Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: James C. Porter, Director of Public Works
Subject: On-Call Cost Management and Construction Estimating Services
Adopt a resolution authorizing agreements with Cumming Corporation, Hill International, Inc., and O'Conner Construction Management for $200,000 per agreement to provide on-call cost management and construction estimating services, for the term of July 9, 2019 through July 8, 2022, for a total maximum aggregate amount of $600,000.
The Department of Public Works (Department) regularly maintains a number of agreements with various firms to provide cost management and construction estimating services on an "as needed" basis. The on-call cost management and construction estimating services have expedited numerous Department projects over the years.
The Department is anticipating a significant number of facilities related projects will be undertaken within the next three years. The Department does not have in-house cost management and construction estimating services expertise and relies on outside firms to provide this service.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) process was used to select preferred consultants. A selection committee comprised of Department staff reviewed and ranked the submissions received from seven qualified firms. The Department is recommending that your Board authorize on-call agreements with three such firms based on the strength of their proposal and reference checks.
By executing the agreements, the Department will have the ability to utilize the consultants' expertise in completing certain tasks associated with cost management and construction estimating services. The work of the cost management and construction estimating services may include, but will not be limited to, project budget verification, design phases estimates, construction cost analysis, change order ana...
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