Special Notice / Hearing: 300 Feet__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Steve Monowitz, Community Development Director
Subject: Public hearing to consider an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to 1) adopt an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, and 2) approve a Coastal Development Permit, Use Permit, Design Review Permit, and Mobilehome Park Permit, pursuant to Sections 6328.4, 6267, 6268, and 6540 of the County Zoning Regulations, and a Grading Permit, pursuant to Section 9283 of the County Building Regulations (Division VII, Chapter 5), for the construction of a new 42-space Recreational Vehicle (RV) park, 8 tent camping spaces, plus a 1,065 sq. ft. shower and laundry building located on a legal 3.356-acre parcel. The construction of the RV park involves 4,500 cubic yards of cut and 4,575 cubic yards of fill. No trees are proposed for removal. The project is appealable to the California Coastal Commission.
Public hearing to consider an appeal and uphold the decision of the Planning Commission to adopt the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve the Coastal Development Permit, Use Permit, Design Review Permit, Mobilehome Park Permit, and Grading Permit by making the required findings and adopting the conditions of approval identified in Attachment A:
A) Open the public hearing
B) Close the public hearing
C) Deny the appeal and uphold the decision of the Planning Commission to adopt Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration and approve the Coastal Development Permit, Use Permit, Design Review Permit, Mobilehome Park Permit, and Grading Permit.
Proposal: The applicant, Ron Stefanick of Point Pillar Project Developers, has submitted an application to construct a new recreational vehicle (RV) park, as a part of the Harbor Village development on a legal, undevelope...
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