Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors, Acting as the Governing Board of the County of San Mateo Sewer/Sanitation Districts
From: James C. Porter, Director of Public Works
Subject: Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project at Various Locations - (Project No. S0201, File No. E4981)
Acting as the Governing Board of the Devonshire County Sanitation District, Emerald Lake Heights Sewer Maintenance District, Harbor Industrial Sewer Maintenance District, Kensington Square Sewer Maintenance District, Oak Knoll Sewer Maintenance District, Scenic Heights County Sanitation District, and Burlingame Hills Sewer Maintenance District, adopt a resolution:
A) Adopting the plans and specifications, including conformance with prevailing wage scale requirements, for the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project at Various Locations; and
B) Authorizing the President of the Board to execute an agreement with Mellon Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $1,697,580 for the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project at Various Locations; and
C) Authorizing the Director of Public Works to:
1. Execute subsequent change orders to grant time extensions for project completion and payment up to a maximum aggregate amount not to exceed $169,758 or approximately 10 percent of the agreement amount; and
2. File a Notice of Exemption for a California Environmental Quality Act Categorical Exemption.
On February 8, 1983, your Board adopted Resolution No. 044196, which authorized the levy of assessments to properties within Zone 2 of the Emerald Lake Heights Sewer Maintenance District (District) for the acquisition and construction of the improvements of the Emerald Lake Hills Wastewater Management Plan (Plan). The resolution further authorized the use of any excess funds from the assessment for the purpose of maintenance of the improvements.
On January 23, 2007, your Board adopted Resolution No. 0...
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