Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors, Acting as the Governing Board of the County of San Mateo Sewer/Sanitation Districts
From: James C. Porter, Director of Public Works
Subject: Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project at Various Locations - (Project No. S0201, File No. E4981)
Acting as the Governing Board of the Devonshire County Sanitation District, Emerald Lake Heights Sewer Maintenance District, Harbor Industrial Sewer Maintenance District, Kensington Square Sewer Maintenance District, Oak Knoll Sewer Maintenance District, Scenic Heights County Sanitation District, and Burlingame Hills Sewer Maintenance District, adopt a resolution:
A) Adopting the plans and specifications, including conformance with prevailing wage scale requirements, for the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project at Various Locations; and
B) Authorizing the President of the Board to execute an agreement with Mellon Engineering, Inc., in the amount of $1,697,580 for the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project at Various Locations; and
C) Authorizing the Director of Public Works to:
1. Execute subsequent change orders to grant time extensions for project completion and payment up to a maximum aggregate amount not to exceed $169,758 or approximately 10 percent of the agreement amount; and
2. File a Notice of Exemption for a California Environmental Quality Act Categorical Exemption.
On February 8, 1983, your Board adopted Resolution No. 044196, which authorized the levy of assessments to properties within Zone 2 of the Emerald Lake Heights Sewer Maintenance District (District) for the acquisition and construction of the improvements of the Emerald Lake Hills Wastewater Management Plan (Plan). The resolution further authorized the use of any excess funds from the assessment for the purpose of maintenance of the improvements.
On January 23, 2007, your Board adopted Resolution No. 068509, which “streamlined” the bid process for non-controversial sewer inspection, maintenance, and rehabilitation projects, and authorized the Director of Public Works to develop plans and specifications and to call for bids for the types of projects identified in said resolution.
The Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project at Various Locations (Project) includes sanitary sewer improvements in seven of the County maintained sewer/sanitation districts as identified in the various Master Plans developed for each respective District. The Districts included in the Project are: Devonshire County Sanitation District, Emerald Lake Heights Sewer Maintenance District, Harbor Industrial Sewer Maintenance District, Kensington Square Sewer Maintenance District, Oak Knoll Sewer Maintenance District, Scenic Heights County Sanitation District, and Burlingame Hills Sewer Maintenance District.
Additionally, on January 26, 2016, your Board adopted Resolution No. 074310, which authorized construction of the Adeline Drive and Canyon Road Sewer Capacity Improvement Project in the Burlingame Hills Sewer Maintenance District. This work consisted, in general, of replacing sewer pipes near or along Adeline Drive and Canyon Road which were identified in the Wastewater Collection System Capacity Assurance Plan and Master Plan Update (Plan), dated April 14, 2011 as needing to be replaced. A portion of the Adeline Drive and Canyon Road Sewer Capacity Improvement Project, which consisted of two pipe segments and two sewer manholes was not completed by the contractor due to easement and access issues. The easement and access issues have been resolved and this remaining work has been incorporated into the Project.
The proposed Project, totaling approximately one mile (5,500 feet) in length, consists of replacing or rehabilitating existing sanitary sewer pipes and manholes in poor condition, reconnecting existing sewer laterals to the new pipes, and restoring existing surfaces (pavement and landscaping) affected by the work. The affected pipe segments were identified in specific District Master Plans or through closed circuit television inspection of the sewer pipes. The Project will reduce the amount of extraneous ground or storm water into the sewer system from broken pipes or illegal connections, replace pipe segments in poor condition, and reduce maintenance efforts required on these pipe segments. Project construction will occur within the road right-of-ways operated and maintained by the County of San Mateo, within the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission right-of-way, and within sewer or public utility easements that are on private properties. The Department has worked with specific property owners and other utility agencies on unique issues within the easement areas or roads and has provided and will continue to provide notice of the Project to all affected property owners and utility agencies.
On Thursday, April 11, 2019 bids were accepted for this Project and subsequently referred to this office for checking and recommendation. The bid of:
Mellon Engineering, Inc.
4455 California Street
San Francisco, CA, 94118
was the lowest responsible bid received for the work. The Engineer’s Estimate was $1,926,000. A summary of the bids received is attached as Exhibit “A”.
Portions of the Project are within existing sewer or public utility easements. However, depending on the construction methods proposed by Mellon Engineering, Inc. and work areas impacted to complete the Project in the most efficient manner, the Districts have the option of entering into Right of Entry and Release Agreements (Agreements) with property owners to gain access to the easements and perform the work. The County Manager holds authority to execute Agreements materially of the form attached hereto as Exhibit “B”, subject to County Counsel review and approval, and to accept or execute on behalf of the County any and all notices, amendments, consents, termination, and documents associated with the Agreements (which do not require the District to pay for the entry rights being granted). Where the Agreements are required for Project construction, the District will provide the attached form to the County Manager or his duly authorized representative for execution and approval, which will allow the District to perform the required work and ensures the ability to address unforeseen changes in configuration in a timely manner.
Department staff has determined that this Project qualifies for a Categorical Exemption pursuant to Section 15301(b) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines for Implementation, which provides that repair and maintenance of existing public or private utilities involving negligible or no expansion of use, is exempt from review. We request authorization to file a Notice of Exemption for a CEQA Categorial Exemption for this Project.
County Counsel has reviewed and approved the resolution and agreement as to form.
Approval of these actions contributes to the Shared Vision 2025 outcome of a Healthy
Community by maintaining the integrity of the sanitary sewer infrastructure and protecting the environment for the benefit of the public.
The total estimated construction cost is $1,867,338, which includes authorization for up to $169,758 in change orders as the work is bid on a unit price basis. The contingency is used to pay the Contractor for any unforeseen conditions not anticipated in the contract agreement documents.
Each district is its own entity with its own budget. The Project will be financed by district funds that have been allocated for this work. The portion of the Project within the Emerald Lake Heights Sewer Maintenance District will be funded by excess funds from the assessments placed in Trust Fund No. 04129, pursuant to Resolution No. 44196. The Trust Fund currently has a balance of approximately $1,568,800.
There is no impact to the General Fund.
Attachment: Exhibit “A” - Summary of Bids Received
Attachment: Exhibit “B” - Right of Entry and Release Agreement