Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Ken Cole, Human Services Agency Director
Subject: Agreement with Redwood City School District through Redwood City Together
Adopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Redwood City School District (RWCSD), through the community collaborative Redwood City Together (RWCT), to increase the term by two years for a new term of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2025 and increase funding by $257,454 for a new total obligation amount not to exceed $484,806 to continue providing coordination services for interagency school-based family resource centers.
RWCT is a healthy community collaborative involving RWCSD, the City of Redwood City, and San Mateo County Human Services Agency (HSA) along with other core partners. HSA has promoted and supported Redwood City Community Schools from their inception. Redwood City Community Schools now operates as a program of the Redwood City School District as well as an ongoing initiative of Redwood City Together. The goal of this community school model is to address the barriers of learning by more efficiently coordinating efforts and resources to bolster students' learning, strengthen families, and promote healthy communities.
On March 22, 2022, by Resolution No. 078791, this Board approved an agreement with the Redwood City School District, under RWCT, to provide coordination and administrative services to the interagency school-based family resource centers located at Garfield, Hoover, Kennedy, Adelante Selby, Roosevelt, MIT, and Taft schools. These centers provide human services, educational support, and community development activities to approximately 3,777 students and their families. The agreement term was July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2023 with a total obligation amount not to exceed $220,352. On June 27, 2022, the parties amended the agreement to add $...
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