Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Mark Church, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder & Chief Elections Officer
Subject: Agreement with Robert Half International, Inc. for Essential Election-related Contract Labor
Adopt a resolution authorizing the Chief Elections Officer, or designee, to execute an agreement with Robert Half International, Inc. for essential elections-related contract labor services, in an amount not to exceed $440,000 for the term of October 18, 2022 through December 31, 2022, and granting of a waiver of the competitive bidding requirement for acquisition of these services pursuant to Section 2.83.050(e) of the San Mateo County Ordinance Code.
For each election, the Registration & Elections Division (Elections Division) relies on seasonal County employees to fill essential short-term positions. The November 8, 2022 Statewide General Election (November 2022 General Election) is expected to be the largest non-Presidential election in the history of San Mateo County, requiring approximately 886 seasonal positions.
The Elections Division has worked closely with County Human Resources to publicize these open positions, independently contracted with five advertising vendors to increase the visibility of these postings, partnered with neighboring counties to boost messaging, and reached out to the Service Employees International Union, Local 521, requesting any available assistance in contacting potential hires.
Despite these recruitment efforts, however, the Elections Division anticipates it will be unable to fill all needed seasonal positions. Given that these essential positions must be filled in order to ensure proper administration of the November 2022 General Election, the Elections Division must be prepared to use contracted labor if these roles cannot be filled using seasonal County employees.
Thus, staff recommends that the Board approve an agreement with Robert Half International, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $440,000 for contracted labor to fill the following essential positions at negotiated rates:
1. Vote Center Representative - $38/hr
2. Phone Bank Representative - $38/hr
3. Elections Warehouse Technician/Field Technician - $50/hr
No worker provided by Robert Half International, Inc. will be involved in the handling of voted ballots.
Robert Half International, Inc. has historically provided the Elections Division with high-quality contracted temporary employees, all of whom must pass a criminal background check before undertaking extensive election-related training, at competitive rates. Given the proximity of the November 2022 General Election, which is now just 21 days from date of this Board meeting, it would be impossible to engage in the competitive bidding process for these essential services. As such, staff requests that the Board waive the competitive bidding process pursuant to Section 2.83.050(e) of the San Mateo County Ordinance Code.
The County Attorney has reviewed and approved the agreement and resolution as to form.
Appropriations to cover the costs of this agreement are included in the Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder’s FY 2022-23 Adopted Budget. These costs will be fully funded by reimbursements from jurisdictions and a transfer from Non-Departmental Services.