Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | The meeting began at 9:02 AM | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | This meeting of the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors was held in Board Chambers, 500 County Center, Redwood City. Public participation was available in person and remotely via the Zoom platform.
A recording of the meeting can be viewed at: https://sanmateocounty.legistar.com. Closed Captioning has been provided. To access closd captioning while watching the video at the link above, please scroll over the video and click “CC” to enable captions. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | The February 11, 2025 Board of Supervisors meeting was accessible to the public through Zoom online at https://smcgov.zoom.us/j/85280474685. The meeting ID: 852 8047 4685. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | Levine Act | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | The Levine Act (California Government Code Section 84308) prohibits, in certain cases, campaign contributions to members of the Board of Supervisors by those who have proceedings (e.g., applications for land use and other entitlements, contracts, etc.) pending before the Board of Supervisors and by those who may have an interest in such proceedings (including those acting as agents for applicants or potential contractors). Moreover, the Levine Act may require disclosure of contributions by such individuals. The law is complex and this brief description is not legal advice. If you or an agent have made any campaign contributions to a Board member in the 12 months before a proceeding in which you have an interest or you are contemplating making a contribution within the 12 months after such a proceeding, you are urged to review the Levine Act and consider consulting an attorney. A 2023 version of the Levine Act and a Fair Political Practices Commission summary of it can be found here:
https://www.smcgov.org/bos/levine-act-information | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE | | |
Not applicable
| | | | | ROLL CALL | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | PUBLIC COMMENT | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 1. | | Proclamation | Presentation of a proclamation designating February 2025 as Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. | | |
Not applicable
| | | | | SHERIFF | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 23. | | Resolution | Adopt a resolution:
A) Authorizing an agreement with the City and County of San Francisco for the distribution of FY 2024 Urban Area Security Initiative grant funds for the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center, for a term commencing November 1, 2024, through December 31, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $5,857,265; and
B) Authorizing the Sheriff or Sheriff’s designee to execute interagency agreements in amounts that do not exceed $350,000 each, utilizing solely the $5,857,265 of grant funding, with other public agencies, for the purpose of reimbursing those agencies for the cost of personnel assigned to the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center. | | |
Not applicable
| | | | | PRESENTATIONS AND AWARDS (cont'd) | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 2. | | Proclamation | Presentation of a proclamation designating February 2025 as Black History Month. | | |
Not applicable
| | | | | REGULAR AGENDA | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | COUNTY EXECUTIVE | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 3. | | Resolution | Recommendation to:
A) Accept the FY 2024-25 County Mid-Year Budget Update, including key revenue and expenditure projections and budget assumptions; and
B) Accept the Proposed Proposition 172 Maintenance of Effort Certification; and
C) Measure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing the County Executive, or designee(s), to negotiate, execute and/or to approve amendments to certain Net County Cost and Measure K funded contracts with specified service providers to provide an increase of up to 5 percent to the salary costs reimbursed under such contracts, for the period from February 1, 2025 through June 30, 2025, in an aggregate amount not to exceed $2,000,000 to be funded by Measure K funds or other available funds, as necessary and advisable in the discretion of the County Executive and within the parameters of this Resolution. | | |
Not applicable
| 1 | 4. | | Multi-Item | Recommendation to:
A) Adopt a resolution authorizing:
1. The County Executive, or designee(s), acting in consultation with the County Attorney, to take all necessary and advisable steps to defease the Refunding Lease Revenue Bonds, 2016 Series A (Youth Services Campus), including but not limited to establishing an escrow account, purchasing securities for the escrow, and executing any related agreements, notices, approvals, or documents to effectuate the defeasance and to give effect to this resolution; and
2. The allocation and use of one-time sources, such as Reserves, in the amount of up to $77,000,000, to effectuate the defeasance; and
B) Approve an Appropriation Transfer Request (ATR) in the amount of $77,000,000 from Reserves to Non-Departmental Services for the cost of the defeasance. | | |
Not applicable
| 1 | | | | Quick Index Item | | |
Not applicable
| 1 | 5. | | Memo | Accept an informational report on the 2025 State and Federal Legislative sessions. | | |
Not applicable
| | | | | CONSENT AGENDA | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 6. | | Resolution | Adopt a resolution authorizing:
A) The President of the Board of Supervisors to execute an amendment to the agreement with the California Department of Food and Agriculture (“CDFA”) for the detection and trapping of regulated insect pests that can significantly affect agricultural crops and the environment, for FY 2024-25, to increase CDFA’s maximum reimbursement amount by $55,050 for a for a new total amount not to exceed $733,752; and
B) The County Agricultural Commissioner to execute additional amendments to the agreement with the CDFA which modify the State’s maximum reimbursement by no more than $25,000 (in aggregate) and/or modify the agreement term and/or services so long as the modified term or services is/are within the current or revised fiscal provision, and provided no such amendment would require the expenditure or commitment of County funds. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | BOARD OF SUPERVISORS | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 7. | | Memo | Recommendation for the appointment of Foster City Police Chief Corey Call to the San Mateo County Domestic Violence Council, representing Police Chiefs and Sheriff Association, for an initial full term ending December 31, 2028. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 8. | | Memo | Recommendation for the reappointment of Carlos Serrano-Quan to the San Mateo County Planning Commission, representing District 5, for a second full term effective January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2028. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | COUNTY ATTORNEY | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 9. | | Memo | Report recommending the denial of claims (Non-culpable) | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | COUNTY EXECUTIVE | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 10. | | Resolution | Adopt a resolution authorizing the President of the Board to execute an agreement between the La Honda-Pescadero Unified School District and the County of San Mateo for the consolidation of the Pescadero High School water system into the County Service Area No. 11 Water System. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 11. | | Multi-Item | Measure K: Recommendation to:
A) Adopt a resolution authorizing a grant agreement with Ombudsman Services of San Mateo County to provide core services to residents of long-term care facilities for the term of February 11, 2025 to February 10, 2026 in an amount not to exceed $150,000, and authorizing the County Executive, or designee, to execute the grant agreement; and
B) Approve an Appropriation Transfer Request (ATR) in the amount of $150,000 appropriating Measure K funds from Non-Departmental Services Reserves to Non-Departmental Services Miscellaneous Other Contributions in support of Ombudsman Services of San Mateo County. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 12. | | Multi-Item | Recommendation to:
A) Adopt a resolution authorizing the County Executive to execute a third amendment to the agreement with Political Solutions, LLC for state advocacy services extending the term through December 31, 2025 and increasing the amount by $96,000 for a new not to exceed amount of $384,000; and
B) Adopt a resolution authorizing the County Executive to execute a third amendment to the agreement with Cruz Strategies, LLC for state advocacy services extending the term through December 31, 2025 and increasing the amount by $96,000 for a new not to exceed amount of $384,000; and
C) Adopt a resolution authorizing the County Executive to execute a third amendment to the agreement with Carpi and Clay, LLC for federal advocacy services extending the term through December 31, 2025 and increasing the amount by $96,000 for a new not to exceed amount of $384,000; and | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 13. | | Resolution | Adopt a resolution acknowledging receipt of a compliance report made by the San Mateo County Fire Department regarding State mandated inspections pursuant to Sections 13146.2 and 13146.3 of the California Health and Safety Code. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | GOVERNING BOARD | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 14. | | Resolution | Acting as the Governing Board of the Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District, adopt a resolution authorizing:
A) An amendment to the agreement for transmission of sanitary sewage by and between the Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District and the Town of Woodside; and
B) An amendment to the agreement for sanitary sewerage treatment capacity rights and services by and between the Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District, the Town of Woodside, and the City of Redwood City. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | HEALTH | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 15. | | Resolution | Adopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with American Institutes for Research, for evaluation and research services, for the term of January 1, 2025, through June 30, 2026, in an amount not to exceed $1,474,506. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | HUMAN RESOURCES | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 16. | | Resolution | Adopt a resolution approving the Tentative Agreement establishing the terms and conditions of a successor agreement to the Memorandum of Understanding with the San Mateo County Council of Engineers (SMCCE) for the term of February 16, 2025 through February 26, 2028. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 17. | | Resolution | Adopt a resolution approving the Tentative Agreement establishing the terms and conditions of an initial Memorandum of Understanding with the Organization of Sheriff’s Lieutenants for the term of February 16, 2025 through October 9, 2027. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 18. | | Resolution | Measure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with LifeMoves to provide Overflow Shelter Program services for the term of March 14, 2025 through June 30, 2027 in an amount not to exceed $6,603,300. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 19. | | Resolution | Adopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with Abode Services to provide Encampment Resolution Funding-funded Rapid Re-housing Services for the term of January 1, 2025 through June 30, 2027, in an amount not to exceed $2,290,873.05. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | PARKS | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 20. | | Resolution | Adopt a resolution authorizing:
A) The President of the Board of Supervisors to execute a fourth amendment to the Parks Department’s agreement with Execushield, Inc. for general security services at the Coyote Point Marina to increase the amount by $200,000 to an amount not to exceed $400,000; and
B) The Parks Director, or the Parks Director’s designee, to execute additional amendments to the Parks Department’s agreement with Execushield to modify the County’s maximum fiscal obligation by no more than $25,000, and/or to modify the agreement’s terms and/or services, so long as the modified term(s) and/or services is/are within the current or revised fiscal provisions. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | PUBLIC WORKS | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 21. | | Ordinance | Adopt an ordinance previously introduced on January 28, 2025:
A) Adding Section 2.10.100 “Approval of Plans and Design” to Chapter 2.10 of Title 2 of the San Mateo County Ordinance Code; and
B) Amending Section 2.50.010 “Duties of Director of Public Works” of Chapter 2.50 of Title 2 of the San Mateo County Ordinance Code; and
C) Waiving the reading of the ordinance in its entirety. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 22. | | Resolution | Adopt a resolution authorizing the County Executive Officer, or designee, to execute a Primary Grant Agreement and subsequent program supplements between the County of San Mateo and the San Mateo County Transportation Authority to receive Measure A and/or Measure W grant funds over the next 10 years. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | SHERIFF | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 24. | | Resolution | Adopt a resolution:
A) Authorizing an agreement with the City and County of San Francisco for the distribution of FY 2024 Urban Area Security Initiative grant funds to the County of San Mateo, for a term commencing November 1, 2024, through December 31, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $976,990; and
B) Approving an Appropriation Transfer Request in the amount of $976,990 to establish a budget appropriation and record revenue for the FY 2024 Urban Area Security Initiative grant. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 25. | | Resolution | Adopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with Data Vision Group, LLC for the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center’s Threat Reporting Exchange Geospatial Dashboard for the term of January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2026, in an amount not to exceed $600,000. | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| | | | | CLOSED SESSION | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable
| 1 | 26. | | Miscellaneous | Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation - Significant Exposure to Litigation (Paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9):
One Case | | |
Not applicable
| | | | | ADJOURNMENT | | |
Not applicable
Not applicable