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Meeting Name: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/26/2019 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Hall of Justice
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not applicable Meeting Extra2: Not applicable  
Meeting video:  
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      Meetings are accessible to people with disabilities. Individuals who need special assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services) to participate in this meeting, or who have a disability and wish to request an alternative format for the agenda, meeting notice, agenda packet or other writings that may be distributed at the meeting, should contact Sukhmani Purewal, Assistant Clerk of the Board, at least 2 working days before the meeting at (650) 363-1802 and/or Notification in advance of the meeting will enable the County to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting and the materials related to it. Attendees to this meeting are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products. If you wish to speak to the Board, please fill out a speaker’s slip located in the box on the wall in the anteroom as you enter the Board Chambers. If you have anything that you wish distributed to the Board and included in the official record, please hand it to the Assistan   Not applicable
      PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE   Video Video
      The meeting began at 9:01 a.m.   Not applicable
      ROLL CALL   Video Video
      PUBLIC COMMENT   Video Video
      PRESENTATIONS AND AWARDS   Not applicable
19-147 11. MemoAccept the San Mateo County Measure K Oversight Committee’s Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2017-18.   Action details Video Video
      REGULAR AGENDA   Not applicable
      HEALTH   Not applicable
19-149 13. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with California Advanced Imaging Medical Associates, Inc. to provide radiology and other diagnostic imaging services for the term April 1, 2019 through March 31, 2022, for an amount not to exceed $9,500,000.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
19-150 14. ResolutionAdopt a resolution delegating authority to the San Mateo County Health Chief to apply, on behalf of Behavioral Health and Recovery Services, for an extension of the Mental Health Services Act Innovation funding from the Mental Health Services Oversight Accountability Commission for the San Mateo County Pride Center.adoptedPass Action details Video Video
      COUNTY MANAGER   Not applicable
19-151 15. MiscellaneousDEPARTMENT PERFORMANCE REPORT A) Environmentally Conscious and Livable Communities 1. Agriculture/Weights & Measures - Fred Crowder, Director   Action details Video Video
19-152 16. MemoCounty Manager’s Report #3 of 2019   Action details Video Video
      BOARD OF SUPERVISORS   Not applicable
19-153 17. MiscellaneousBoard Members’ Reports   Action details Video Video
      CONSENT AGENDA   Not applicable
19-154 18. MinutesApprove the minutes for the following meetings: A) Special Board of Supervisors’ Meeting of February 11, 2019; and B) Regular Board of Supervisors’ Meeting of February 12, 2019.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-155 19. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing the Chief Elections Officer to apply for and receive reimbursement funds related to voting system replacement through a grant from the California Secretary of State in an amount not to exceed $2,474,000 and with a term of February 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
      BOARD OF SUPERVISORS   Not applicable
19-156 110. OrdinanceAdopt an ordinance adding Chapter 3.54 to Title 3 of the San Mateo County Ordinance Code to require the safe storage of firearms in a residence, previously introduced on February 12, 2019, and waive the reading of the ordinance in its entirety.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-157 111. OrdinanceAdopt an ordinance adding Chapter 3.05 to Title 3 of the San Mateo County Ordinance Code to prohibit loud or unruly gatherings where any alcohol, alcoholic beverages, cannabis, and/or controlled substances are served to, ingested by or in the possession of minors, previously introduced on February 12, 2019, and waive the reading of the ordinance in its entirety.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-158 112. MemoRecommendation for the appointment of Supervisor Warren Slocum to the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Executive Board as Representative for a partial term ending June 30, 2020.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-159 113. MemoRecommendation for the appointment of Heather Green to the San Mateo County Parks Commission, representing District 2, for a term ending December 31, 2022.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-160 114. MemoRecommendation for the appointments of Dawn Ward and Lauren Bigelow to the Commission on Disabilities, each for a partial term ending June 30, 2020.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-161 115. MemoRecommendation for the appointment of Richard Rojo to the San Mateo County Arts Commission, representing District 3, for a term ending December 31, 2022.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-162 116. MemoRecommendation for the reappointment of Don Eaton to the San Mateo County Civil Service Commission for a term ending December 31, 2022.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-163 117. Honorary ResolutionRatification of a resolution honoring Mills High School upon its 60th Anniversary.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-164 118. ResolutionRatification of proclamation recognizing the retirement of Tony Tofani after 40 years of service in the floor covering industry.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
      CORONER   Not applicable
19-165 119. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing: A) Waiving the Request for Proposal (RFP) process and authorizing agreements with Dr. Thomas W. Rogers and Dr. Peter A. Benson for the provision of forensic pathology services each with the term March 1, 2019 through February 28, 2021 and each in an amount not to exceed $444,534; and B) Authorizing the Coroner to execute subsequent amendments and minor modifications not to exceed $25,000 in aggregate for each contract and to make minor changes in the types of services and activities provided under the agreements.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
      COUNTY MANAGER    Not applicable
19-166 120. ResolutionAdopt a resolution amending the Board of Supervisors' regular meeting schedule for calendar year 2019.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-167 121. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing: A) The President of the Board of Supervisors to execute an amendment to the lease agreement with Harbor Belmont Associates; and B) The County Manager, or his designee, to accept or execute on behalf of the County of San Mateo any and all notices, options, consents, approvals, terminations, and documents in connection with the lease agreement.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-168 122. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing: A) The President of the Board of Supervisors to execute a lease agreement with the San Mateo County Transit District for employee parking at the Redwood City Sequoia Caltrain Parking Lot for a duration of 22 months and for a total amount of $429,100; and B) The County Manager, or his designee, to accept or execute, on behalf of the County of San Mateo, any and all notices, consents, approvals, terminations, and other documents in connection with the lease agreement.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-169 123. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing and agreeing to an exchange of property tax between the County of San Mateo and the City of Belmont for the proposed annexation of 1304 Elmer Street and 633 Oneill Avenue and detachment from the Harbor Industrial Sewer Maintenance and the Belmont Highway Lighting Districts.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-170 124. ResolutionAdopt a resolution extending the maximum term length for Measure K Oversight Committee Members from two years to four years.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-171 125. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing a second amendment to the agreement with Ecology Action for consulting services related to the San Mateo County Green Business Program, increasing the amount by $226,200, for a new not to exceed amount of $325,633 and extending the term to October 31, 2020.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-172 126. ResolutionApprove an Appropriation Transfer Request recognizing $165,000 in grant funds from Peninsula Clean Energy for the development of building and vehicle electrification initiatives.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
      HEALTH   Not applicable
19-173 127. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing a waiver to the Request for Proposals competitive bidding process and an agreement with Translogic Corporation dba Swisslog Healthcare, formerly known as Talyst Systems, LLC, to provide maintenance and support for two InSite Remote Medication Dispensing Systems for the term October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $375,000.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-174 128. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Regulatory, Risk, Compliance Specialists, Inc. for regulatory consulting services, extending the term through December 31, 2019 and increasing the amount by $375,000, to an amount not to exceed $1,100,000.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-175 129. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with Hidemi Oka, DMD, MD to provide oral and maxillofacial surgery services for the term of May 1, 2019 through April 30, 2021, for an amount not to exceed $150,000.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-176 130. ResolutionAdopt a resolution: A) Authorizing an amendment to the pledge agreement with Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford for coordination of prenatal and obstetric/gynecological care to low-income populations, extending the term of the agreement through May 31, 2019; and B) Authorizing the acceptance of an additional $300,000 in grant funds to an amount not to exceed $900,000.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-177 131. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Ronald Greenwald, MD to provide neurosurgery services, increasing the amount by $175,000 to an amount not to exceed $850,000.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-178 132. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing the Chief of Health or her designee to execute an amendment to the agreement with the California Department of Public Health for nutrition education given by the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Education Grant, increasing the amount by $99,909, to an amount not to exceed $2,006,727.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
      HUMAN RESOURCES   Not applicable
19-179 133. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing approval of the tentative agreement establishing the terms and conditions of a successor agreement to the Memorandum of Understanding with the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) for the term of October 7, 2018 through October 2, 2021.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-180 134. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the Master Salary Resolution 076017 to add nine positions, delete four positions, and adjust the salary of nine classifications.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-181 135. MemoReport recommending the denial of claims (Non-culpable)approvedPass Action details Not applicable
      PARKS    Not applicable
19-182 136. ResolutionAdopt resolutions authorizing: A) The acceptance of a cash donation from the Smart Family Foundation totaling $180,000 for FY 2018-19 for the benefit of Coyote Point Recreation Area; and B) An Appropriation Transfer Request (ATR) in the amount of $180,000 from unanticipated revenue to corresponding appropriations in services and supplies and fixed assets.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-183 137. Multi-ItemAdopt a resolution authorizing: A) The President of the Board of Supervisors to execute agreements with Fall Creek Engineering, Inc.; Pacific Watershed Associates, Inc.; Construction Testing Services; 4LEAF, Inc.; Questa Engineering Corporation; Towill, Inc.; R.E.Y. Engineers, Inc.; Horizon Water and Environmental; MIG, Inc.; Environmental Science Associates; WRA, Inc.; Basin Research Associates, Inc.; Harris Design; Gates + Associates; UDLA; H.T. Harvey; Sequoia Ecological Consulting, Inc.; and RRM Design Group for the delivery of on-call professional services, for a not-to-exceed amount specified in each agreement, and a term commencing March 1, 2019, and expiring February 28, 2022; and B) The Parks Director, or her designee, to execute amendments to the agreements to modify the County’s maximum fiscal obligation by no more than $25,000 (in aggregate per agreement), and/or modify the agreements’ terms and/or services, so long as the modified term(s) and/or services is/are within the current or revised fiscal provisions.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
      SHERIFF   Not applicable
19-184 138. Multi-ItemRecommendation to: A) Adopt a resolution accepting a donation in the amount of $18,000 from a member of the community who wishes to remain anonymous, for the purchase of two jet skis for the Sheriff’s Office Emergency Services Bureau - Marine Unit; and B) Approve an Appropriation Transfer Request in the amount of $18,000, establishing a budget appropriation and revenue for the purchase.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
19-185 139. Multi-ItemRecommendation to: A) Adopt a resolution waiving the competitive bidding process for the purchase of handheld narcotics analyzer devices and authorizing the San Mateo County Sheriff or his/her designee to purchase TruNarc handheld narcotics analyzer devices for an amount not to exceed $257,083; and B) Approve an Appropriation Transfer Request recognizing revenue transfer from Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Trust Fund (03818) of $120,000 and increasing appropriations to Fixed Assets.approvedPass Action details Not applicable
      CLOSED SESSION   Not applicable
      The Board adjourned to Closed Session at 9:55 a.m. to discuss the following items:   Not applicable
19-186 140. MiscellaneousConference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Suzanne Mattocks v. County of San Mateo WCAB Claim No. SM160484 Conference with Labor Negotiators Negotiations: American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Agency designated representative attending Closed Session: Kelly Tuffo   Action details Video Video
      The Board reconvened to open session at 10:39 a.m.   Not applicable
      County Counsel made the following report: In a 5-0 vote, the Board of Supervisors agreed to settle Suzanne Mattocks' Workers' Compensation claim for the total amount of $110,000.   Not applicable
      The Board attended the Service Awards after Closed Session.   Not applicable
      1:30 p.m.   Not applicable
19-148 12. MiscellaneousPresentation of Service Awards, 455 County Center, Room 101, Redwood City   Action details Not applicable
      ADJOURNMENT   Video Video
      The meeting adjourned at 10:40 a.m. in the memory of Joseph Lo Schiavo.   Not applicable