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Meeting Name: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/29/2019 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Hall of Justice
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not applicable Meeting Extra2: Not applicable  
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      Meetings are accessible to people with disabilities. Individuals who need special assistance or a disability-related modification or accommodation (including auxiliary aids or services) to participate in this meeting, or who have a disability and wish to request an alternative format for the agenda, meeting notice, agenda packet or other writings that may be distributed at the meeting, should contact Sukhmani Purewal, Assistant Clerk of the Board, at least 2 working days before the meeting at (650) 363-1802 and/or Notification in advance of the meeting will enable the County to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting and the materials related to it. Attendees to this meeting are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products. If you wish to speak to the Board, please fill out a speaker’s slip located in the box on the wall in the anteroom as you enter the Board Chambers. If you have anything that you wish distributed to the Board and included in the official record, please hand it to the Assistan   Not applicable
      PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE   Not applicable
      The meeting began at 9:00 a.m.   Not applicable
      ROLL CALL   Not applicable
      PUBLIC COMMENT   Not applicable
      PRESENTATIONS AND AWARDS   Not applicable
19-048 11. Presentation/AwardsPoetry reading by Aileen Cassinetto, San Mateo County Poet Laureate.   Action details Not applicable
19-049 12. Presentation/AwardsPresentation of Report from LGBTQ Commission: Update and Results from Needs Assessment.   Action details Not applicable
19-050 13. Presentation/AwardsPresentation on the Mobile Stroke Unit Study by Sutter Health.   Action details Not applicable
19-051 14. Multi-ItemPresentation of resolutions honoring the 2018 Women in County Government award recipients: A) Rookie of the Year: Jaqueline Ñúnez; and B) Development Champion: Dr. Janet Chaikind; and C) Development Champion: Aurora Peña; and D) Public Service - Going the Extra Mile: Jasneet Sharma.adoptedPass Action details Not applicable
19-052 15. ProclamationPresentation of a proclamation designating January 2019 as Human Trafficking Prevention Month.adoptedPass Action details Not applicable
      PUBLIC WORKS   Not applicable
19-063 116. ResolutionAdopt a resolution in support of the proposal for the new San Mateo County Flood and Sea Level Rise Resiliency Agency.adoptedPass Action details Not applicable
      9:00 a.m.   Not applicable
19-053 16. ResolutionActing as the Governing Board of County Service Area No. 8, adopt a resolution adopting the 2019 Garbage and Recyclables Collection Rates for County Service Area No. 8 (North Fair Oaks).adopted  Action details Not applicable
      9:15 a.m.   Not applicable
19-054 17. ResolutionAdopt a resolution adopting the 2019 Garbage and Recyclables Collection Rates for the Unincorporated Franchised Area within the South Bayside Waste Management Authority service area, exclusive of County Service Area No. 8 (North Fair Oaks) and West Bay Sanitary District.adoptedPass Action details Not applicable
      The Board recessed at 11:02 a.m. and reconvened at 11:16 a.m.   Not applicable
      COUNTY MANAGER / COUNTY COUNSEL   Not applicable
19-064 117. MemoClaims for Refund Submitted by Carolands Foundation Appealing Decision of Assessor Regarding Eligibility for Welfare Exemption (Revenue & Taxation Code sections 214, 5096, and 5097).approved  Action details Not applicable
      PUBLIC COMMENT   Not applicable
      The Board recessed at 12:40 p.m. and reconvened at 12:52 p.m.   Not applicable
      BOARD OF SUPERVISORS   Not applicable
19-070 123. ResolutionAdopt a resolution stating support for implementation of Assembly Bill (AB) 626, regarding microenterprise home kitchens, in San Mateo County and appointing Supervisors Canepa and Horsley to a subcommittee to assess and report on implementation of AB 626 in San Mateo County.adopted  Action details Not applicable
      REGULAR AGENDA   Not applicable
      HEALTH SYSTEM    Not applicable
19-057 110. Presentation/AwardsHealth Budget Study Session Report Back.   Action details Not applicable
      9:30 a.m.   Not applicable
19-055 18. MemoRecommendation to: A) Accept the FY 2018-19 County Mid-Year Budget Update, including key revenue and expenditure projections and budget assumptions; and B) Accept the Proposition 172 Maintenance of Effort Certification.adopted  Action details Not applicable
      Item No. 9 regarding Fiscal Year 2019-21 Budget Cycle Update was tabled to the next Board of Supervisors' meeting.   Not applicable
      REGULAR AGENDA   Not applicable
      HOUSING    Not applicable
19-058 111. ResolutionRecommendation to: A) Open public hearing; and B) Close public hearing; and C) Adopt a resolution authorizing: 1. The issuance of a note in the amount of $10,500,000 (the “Note”) by the California Municipal Finance Authority (“CMFA”), made to Nairobi Housing Associates, L.P. It is the purpose and intent that this resolution constitute approval of the issuance of the Note in accordance with section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, by the Board of Supervisors in accordance with section 4 of the Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement Relating to the California Municipal Finance Authority, dated as of January 1, 2004 (“Agreement”); and 2. The issuance of the Note shall be subject to the approval of the California Municipal Finance Authority of all financing documents relating thereto to which CMFA is a party, and that the County of San Mateo (“County”) shall have no responsibility or liability whatsoever with respect to the Note or the loan to the CMFA that it evidences; and 3. That the President of the Board of Supervisors, the Clerk of the Board oadopted  Action details Not applicable
19-059 112. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing the Director of the Department of Housing or the Director’s designee, to enter into an Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement between the County and Mercy Housing Corporation to enable the initiation of pre-development activities for the Middlefield Junction - Parcel “A” Mixed-Use Development Project and the negotiation of a long-term ground lease and development agreement between the parties.   Action details Not applicable
      HUMAN RESOURCES   Not applicable
19-060 113. Multi-ItemAdopt three resolutions establishing Salaries and Benefits for the Unrepresented Management Unit, the Unrepresented Attorney’s Unit, and the Unrepresented Confidential Unit, for the term of January 27, 2019 through December 12, 2021.adopted  Action details Not applicable
      PUBLIC WORKS   Not applicable
19-061 114. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing: A) The approval of the updated San Carlos and Half Moon Bay Airports’ (Airports) Minimum Standards in accordance with local, state, and federal resolutions, ordinances, guidelines, and regulations; and B) The Director of Public Works, or his designee, to amend the Minimum Standards as necessary to ensure compliance with changing local, state, and federal resolutions, ordinances, guidelines, and regulations, and to make administrative changes as needed for clarity and consistency of policy documents.adopted  Action details Not applicable
      Item No. 15 regarding Middlefield Road Improvement Project was tabled to the next Board of Supervisors' meeting.   Not applicable
      COUNTY MANAGER   Not applicable
19-065 118. ResolutionMeasure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing a one-time grant of district-discretionary Measure K funds, not to exceed $15,000, to National Alliance on Mental Illness of San Mateo County (NAMI SMC), to provide stipends for peer leaders in its “Peer-to-Peer” programs, and authorizing the County Manager, or his designee, to execute the grant agreement.adopted  Action details Not applicable
19-066 119. ResolutionMeasure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing a one-time grant of district-discretionary Measure K funds, not to exceed $50,000, to Catholic Charities of San Mateo County to hire a part-time Social Worker and facilitate the provision of social services for immigrant youth residents in the County of San Mateo and authorizing the County Manager, or his designee, to execute the grant agreement.adopted  Action details Not applicable
19-067 120. ResolutionMeasure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing a one-time grant of district-discretionary Measure K funds, not to exceed $60,000, to Nuestra Casa to support the organization’s six-week Parent Academy II - Advanced cycle, and authorizing the County Manager, or his designee, to execute the grant agreement.adopted  Action details Not applicable
19-068 121. ResolutionMeasure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing a one-time grant of district-discretionary Measure K funds, not to exceed $74,306 to Peninsula Volunteers, Inc. for kitchen floor repair, kitchen steamer, and replacement of the Café display case at Little House, and replacement of the bathroom floor at Rosener House, and authorizing the County Manager, or his designee, to execute the grant agreement.adopted  Action details Not applicable
19-069 122. MemoCounty Manager’s Report #1 of 2019   Action details Not applicable
      BOARD OF SUPERVISORS   Not applicable
19-071 125. MiscellaneousBoard Members’ Reports   Action details Not applicable
      CONSENT AGENDA   Not applicable
19-072 126. MinutesApprove the minutes for the following meetings: A) Regular Board of Supervisors’ Meeting of January 8, 2019; and B) Regular Board of Supervisors’ Meeting of January 15, 2019.   Action details Not applicable
19-073 127. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing the Chief Elections Officer to apply for and receive, on behalf of the County, reimbursement funds through a grant offered by the California Secretary of State regarding the Help America Vote Act in an amount not to exceed $25,000.   Action details Not applicable
      BOARD OF SUPERVISORS   Not applicable
19-074 128. Honorary ResolutionRatification of a resolution honoring Suzanne Aubry upon her retirement after 14 years of service with the Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Office of Consumer and Family Affairs.   Action details Not applicable
19-075 129. Honorary ResolutionRatification of a resolution honoring Anne Weiss on her retirement after 30 years of distinguished service to San Mateo County.   Action details Not applicable
19-076 130. MemoRecommendation for the reappointment of Supervisor Warren Slocum to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, for a term ending February 10, 2023.   Action details Not applicable
19-077 131. MemoRecommendation for appointments to the Commission on Disabilities: A) Shirley Moore, for a partial term ending June 30, 2020; and B) Krista Martinelli, for a partial term ending June 30, 2020; and C) Florence Wong, for a partial term ending June 30, 2020; and D) Chelsea Bonini, for a partial term ending June 30, 2020; and E) Tryn Miller, for a term ending June 30, 2022; and F) Carlos Fernandez, for a term ending June 30, 2022; and G) Evan Milburn, for a term ending June 30, 2022.   Action details Not applicable
19-078 132. MemoRecommendation for the appointment of Monika Lee to the Commission on Aging, for a partial term ending June 30, 2021.   Action details Not applicable
      COUNTY COUNSEL   Not applicable
19-079 133. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing the San Bruno Park School District to issue and sell its General Obligation Bonds, 2018 Election, 2019 Series A in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $20,000,000 without further action of the County.   Action details Not applicable
      COUNTY MANAGER    Not applicable
19-080 134. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Patricia Brown for consulting services related to the Home for All initiative, increasing the amount by $50,500, extending the term to December 31, 2019, for a new not to exceed amount of $150,000.   Action details Not applicable
19-081 135. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing a second amendment to the agreement with the City of San Mateo for juvenile diversion case management services, increasing the amount by $85,263 for a new not to exceed amount of $330,263 and extending the term through June 30, 2019.   Action details Not applicable
19-082 136. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing the execution of the County-Optional Agreement with State of California Complete Count Census Office (CCC Office) to promote awareness about the importance of completing the census questionnaire and conducting outreach services to San Mateo County residents on behalf of the CCC Office.   Action details Not applicable
19-083 137. ResolutionAdopt a resolution establishing a stand-alone San Mateo County Domestic Violence Death Review Team, specifying the responsibilities and membership thereof, and standing rules for its governance.   Action details Not applicable
19-084 138. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing: A) The President of the Board of Supervisors to execute an amendment to the lease agreement with Harbor Belmont Associates for the continued use of 11,674 square feet of warehouse space located at 330 Harbor Boulevard, in unincorporated Belmont, by Aging & Adult Services through February 28, 2022 at an initial base rent of $12,257.70 per month; and B) The County Manager, or his designee, to accept or execute on behalf of the County of San Mateo any and all notices, options, consents, approvals, terminations, and documents in connection with the lease agreement.   Action details Not applicable
19-085 139. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing: A) The President of the Board of Supervisors to execute a Public Utility Easement Deed in favor of Silicon Valley Clean Water over an undeveloped portion of the San Carlos Airport; and B) The County Manager, or his designee, to accept or execute on behalf of the County any and all notices, consents, approvals, terminations, and other documents in connection with the Public Utility Easement Deed.   Action details Not applicable
19-086 140. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing the Director of the Project Development Unit or his/her designee to execute amendments and/or change orders to the agreement with T.B. Penick and Sons, Inc. by an additional $500,000, modify the County’s maximum fiscal obligation by no more than $1,124,999 in aggregate, and/or modify the contract term and/or services so long as the modified term or services is/are within the current or revised fiscal provisions.   Action details Not applicable
19-087 141. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing the Project Development Unit (PDU) Director or his/her designee to execute an amendment to the agreement with Evo to provide information technology project management services and support increasing the agreement by $300,000 for a new not to exceed amount of $399,900.   Action details Not applicable
19-088 142. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing the Office of Sustainability to enter into an agreement for $218,930 with Toole Design Group, LLC for a term of January 29, 2019, to July 31, 2020, to develop the Unincorporated San Mateo County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, funded by a Sustainable Communities Grant from California Department of Transportation.   Action details Not applicable
19-089 143. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing an Agreement with the Association of Bay Area Governments to reimburse the County up to $179,001 for project implementation costs for the Bay Area Regional Energy Network Programs in San Mateo County for the term of January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.   Action details Not applicable
      HEALTH SYSTEM   Not applicable
19-090 144. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with Optum for after-hours phone coverage services for the term July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019, in an amount not to exceed $410,138.   Action details Not applicable
19-091 145. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing the Controller to continue making payments on the Health Department Public Health, Policy and Planning STD/HIV Program Agreements for the period of March 1, 2019 through June 30, 2019.   Action details Not applicable
19-092 146. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing a medical services agreement between County of San Mateo, Kaiser Foundation Hospital dba Kaiser Permanente Redwood City Medical Center, The Permanente Medical Group, Inc., and San Mateo Health Commission dba Health Plan of San Mateo, for emergency cranial neurosurgical services, for the term of February 1, 2019 through January 31, 2022.   Action details Not applicable
19-093 147. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with Sutter Bay Medical Foundation dba Palo Alto Medical Foundation for Healthcare, Research, and Education for otorhinolaryngology medical services for the term of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2020, for an amount not to exceed $1,100,000.   Action details Not applicable
19-094 148. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with Nuance Communications, Inc. for the term of September 1, 2018 through August 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $675,000.   Action details Not applicable
19-095 149. ResolutionAdopt a resolution approving the appointment of Scott Gilman as the Local Director of Mental Health Services.   Action details Not applicable
      HOUSING   Not applicable
19-096 150. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing: A) The Director of the Department of Housing, or his duly authorized agent, to notify the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) of the County of San Mateo’s desire to participate in the February 2019 public offering by HUD through the Loan Guarantee Assistance Program under Section 108 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (Section 108), as amended, for the existing obligation B-06-UC-06-0006 in the original principal amount of $7,145,000 and to refinance the original principal amount of $7,145,000 at such rates of interest that will be determined by HUD at the time of the Public Offering; and B) The Director of the Department of Housing, or his duly authorized agent, to execute the necessary documents as required by HUD to refinance the existing guaranteed Section 108 note and to execute such other documents, contracts, amendments and agreements with HUD, and to authorize payment of any required fees, as may be necessary to effectuate this refinancing transaction.   Action details Not applicable
      HUMAN RESOURCES   Not applicable
19-097 151. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing the Human Resources Director to retroactively execute renewal agreements with Kaiser Permanente, United Health Care, and Blue Shield of California, for the provision of health coverage for County employees, retirees, and their dependents, for the term of January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019, with the aggregate amount not to exceed $128 million.   Action details Not applicable
19-098 152. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the Master Salary Resolution 076017 to reclassify one position, delete three positions, add four positions, and revise Section 11.   Action details Not applicable
19-099 153. MemoReport recommending the denial of claims (Non-culpable)   Action details Not applicable
      HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY    Not applicable
19-100 154. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Samaritan House to provide core agency services, increasing the total obligation amount to $368,224, with the term remaining June 19, 2018 through June 30, 2019.   Action details Not applicable
19-101 155. ResolutionMeasure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Samaritan House for homeless shelter services, increasing the total obligation amount by $187,250 for a new total obligation not to exceed $1,988,230, with the term remaining July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2020.   Action details Not applicable
      INFORMATION SERVICES    Not applicable
19-102 156. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the Master Services Agreements Resolution 073010, to extend the term through June 30, 2019.   Action details Not applicable
      PARKS    Not applicable
19-103 157. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing: A) The President of the Board of Supervisors to execute amendments to the agreements for professional on-call services with Gates and Associates, Rincon, and Fall Creek Engineering extending the termination date from January 31, 2019, to January 31, 2020; and B) The Parks Director, or her designee, to execute further amendments to the agreements to modify the County’s maximum fiscal obligation by no more than $25,000 (in aggregate per Agreement), and/or modify the Agreements’ terms and/or services, so long as the modified term(s) and/or services is/are within the current or revised fiscal provisions.   Action details Not applicable
      PROBATION    Not applicable
19-104 158. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with SCRAM of California, Inc., to provide electronic monitoring services to juvenile and adult probationers, for the term of January 21, 2019, through January 20, 2022, in a total amount not to exceed $345,000.   Action details Not applicable
19-105 159. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing the Director of Public Safety Communications, or the Director’s designee, to execute an agreement with West Safety Solutions Corporation to provide a VIPER 9-1-1 Telephone System for the Regional Operations Center Project in an amount not to exceed $213,000 and waiving the competitive bidding process.   Action details Not applicable
      PUBLIC WORKS   Not applicable
19-106 160. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing a ‘No Parking’ zone in the public right-of-way on Northside Avenue in the North Fair Oaks, unincorporated area of Redwood City.   Action details Not applicable
19-107 161. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing: A) Job Order Contract Agreements with Olympos Painting, Inc., SBAY Construction, Inc., Mark Scott Construction, Inc., and Rodan Builders, Inc. for General Construction; Kinetics Mechanical Service, Inc. and ACCO Engineered Systems for Mechanical Works (HVAC); Platinum Roofing, Inc. and Best Contracting Services, Inc. for Roofing Contracting Services; Century Carpet, Inc. for Flooring Contracting Services; and Kinetics Mechanical Service, Inc. and ACCO Engineered Systems for Plumbing Contracting Services for the term of January 29, 2019 through January 28, 2020, each in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000 for General Construction and Mechanical Works (HVAC), and not to exceed $1,000,000 for Roofing Contracting Services, Flooring Contracting Services, and Plumbing Contracting Services; and B) The Construction Task Catalogs, Specifications, including addendums, and conformance with prevailing wage scale requirements for Job Order Contracts - General Construction; Mechanical Works; Roofing; Flooring; and Plumbing; and C) The Director of Public Work   Action details Not applicable
19-108 162. ResolutionApprove an Appropriation Transfer Request for $2,000,000 from Non-Departmental Services to Department of Public Works for the San Mateo Medical Center Retrofit Water Tank.   Action details Not applicable
      SHERIFF   Not applicable
19-109 163. ResolutionAdopt a resolution authorizing a two-year extension to the agreement with Universal Protection Services, for security services at various County sites, for an extension amount not to exceed $12,977,286, which includes a two percent (2%) contingency, for the term of February 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021.   Action details Not applicable
      CLOSED SESSION   Not applicable
      The Board adjourned to Closed Session at 2:19 p.m. to discuss the following items:   Not applicable
19-110 164. MiscellaneousConference with Labor Negotiators Negotiations: American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME); Building and Construction Trades Council (BCTC); San Mateo County Council of Engineers (SMCCE); and Extra Help SEIU and AFSCME Agency designated representative attending Closed Session: Kelly Tuffo Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation In re Verity Health systems of California, Inc. US Bankruptcy Court-Central District, Case No. 2:18-bk-20151 ER Mary Paengalau v. County of San Mateo WCAB Claim No. SM140359 Denise Sorensen v. County of San Mateo WCAB Claim No. SM160173   Action details Not applicable
      The Board reconvened to open session at 3:34 p.m.   Not applicable
      County Counsel made the following report: In a 5-0 vote, the Board of Supervisors agreed to settle Mary Paengalau's Workers' Compensation claim for the total amount of $111,142.50; and Denise Sorensen's Workers' Compensation claim for the total amount of $155,000.   Not applicable
      ADJOURNMENT   Not applicable
      The meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m. in the memory of Jagdish "Jackie" Kaur Ram, Maurico Garcia, and Gertrude Dyer-Wilks.   Not applicable