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Meeting Name: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/24/2017 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Hall of Justice
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not applicable Meeting Extra2: Not applicable  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
MISC-1237 113. MiscellaneousRecommendation for appointments to the North Fair Oaks Community Council: (Supervisor Warren Slocum)approved  Action details Not applicable
ORD-297 136. OrdinanceAdoption of an ordinance amending Chapter 7.04 of the San Mateo County Ordinance Code regarding prima facie speed limits on Alpine Road, previously introduced on January 10, 2017, and waive the reading of the ordinance in its entirety:approved  Action details Not applicable
ORD-299 138. OrdinanceAdoption of an ordinance establishing Section 7.88.20 "Yield Here to Pedestrians" signs and legends, authorizing the Director of Public Works, or his designee, to establish and maintain "Yield Here to Pedestrians" signs and legends, on County-maintained roads, as needed, previously introduced on January 10, 2017, and waive of the reading of the ordinance in its entirety.approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1241 18. MiscellaneousApprove the minutes for the meeting of January 3, 2017.approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1242 19. MiscellaneousApprove the minutes for the meeting of January 10, 2017.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3358 135. ResolutionResolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Caltrol (formerly known as Redline PdM) to provide building machinery predictive maintenance services in County facilities, including the Maple Street Correctional Facility, extending the term through June 29, 2020, and increasing the not-to-exceed amount by $300,000, for a new not-to-exceed amount of $600,000.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3370 120. ResolutionResolutions regarding the creation of the Project Development Unit:approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3376 116. ResolutionResolutions regarding Clean Coalition and Peninsula Advanced Energy Community grant funding:approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3380 118. ResolutionResolution authorizing an agreement with the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University for analysis of the outcomes of the Students With Amazing Goals (SWAG) program.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3381 119. ResolutionMeasure K: Resolution authorizing an Appropriation Transfer Request (ATR) recognizing unanticipated Measure K revenue of $100,000 and making corresponding appropriations in Salaries and Benefits to fund the Communications Officer for the remainder of FY 2016-17.approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1239 114. MiscellaneousRecommendation for the reappointment of Manuel Ramirez to the Planning Commission, representing District 4, for a term ending January 1, 2021. (Supervisor Don Horsley)approved  Action details Not applicable
ORD-298 137. OrdinanceAdoption of an amendment to the San Mateo County Ordinance Code repealing Section 7.88.10, to remove reference to a midblock crosswalk on Industrial Road south of Taylor Way, previously introduced on January 10, 2017, and waive the reading of the ordinance in its entirety.approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1238 112. MiscellaneousRecommendation for the reappointment of Meda Okelo as the District 4 representative to the San Mateo County Parks and Recreation Commission, for a term ending January 10, 2018. (Supervisor Warren Slocum)approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3334 132. ResolutionResolution authorizing the amendment of Master Services Agreements (MSA) Resolution #070310, to add additional vendors to the eligible vendor pool and to extend the Resolution end term to February 10, 2019.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3336 139. ResolutionResolution authorizing an agreement with Action Target Inc. for the purchase and installation of a Vortex Total Containment Trap (TCT) for the Range #2 site at the Coyote Point Pistol and Rifle Range, for the term January 24, 2017 to January 23, 2018, in an amount not to exceed $1,060,000.approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1226 111. MiscellaneousRecommendation for an appointment and reappointment representing Farmers/Growers to the Agricultural Advisory Committee: (Supervisors Don Horsley and Warren Slocum)approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3356 117. ResolutionResolution authorizing the County Manager or his designee to apply for competitive funding under the auspices of the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) through the Board of State and Community Corrections for the funding cycle of January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3332 129. ResolutionResolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Information Builders, Inc. to provide an Implementation Plan for the Business Intelligence and Data Analytics infrastructure, increasing the amount by $766,350, to an amount not to exceed $1,706,350, and extending the term through October 31, 2018.approved  Action details Not applicable
ORD-300 15. OrdinanceIntroduction of an ordinance adding Chapter 3.108, consisting of Sections 3.108.010 to 3.108.130, to Title 3 of the San Mateo County Ordinance Code establishing property owner obligations with respect to tenants displaced from unsafe or substandard units, and waive the reading of the ordinance in its entirety.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3331 12. ResolutionResolutions regarding San Mateo County FY 2015-16 STARS Awards:approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3175 125. ResolutionResolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Our Common Ground, Inc. for substance use disorder outpatient and residential treatment services under the Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System, increasing the amount by $2,515,625, to an amount not to exceed $5,422,217, and extending the term of the agreement through June 30, 2018.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3335 131. ResolutionResolution authorizing an agreement with Novigo Solutions, Inc. for a quality assurance and case review system, for the term January 24, 2017 through January 23, 2020, in the amount of $478,000.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3323 124. ResolutionResolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Service League of San Mateo County for residential substance use disorder treatment services under the Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System, increasing the amount by $540,961 to an amount not to exceed $2,292,386, and extending the term of the agreement through June 30, 2018.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3374 1  ResolutionResolution authorizing the vacation of the 10 foot wide sanitary sewer easement that extends north-to-south across APN 074-303-060, also known as 2513 Alpine Road in Unincorporated Weekend Acres.approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1200 16. MiscellaneousCounty Manager's Report #2 of 2017approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1224 115. MiscellaneousApprove corrections to the identified tax rolls and corresponding tax refunds.approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1209 11. MiscellaneousPoetry reading by Lisa Rosenberg, San Mateo County Poet Laureate. (Supervisor Warren Slocum)approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3342 134. ResolutionResolution regarding Job Order Contracts:approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3176 126. ResolutionResolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Sitike for substance use disorder treatment services under the Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System, decreasing the amount by $3,751, to an amount not to exceed $1,747,127, and extending the term of the agreement through June 30, 2018.approved  Action details Not applicable
ORD-04769 14. OrdinanceAdoption of an Interim Urgency Ordinance extending the temporary moratorium on commercial nonmedical marijuana activity and outdoor cultivation of marijuana on the grounds of a private residence, within the unincorporated area of San Mateo County, to the full extent authorized under State law, and waive the reading of the ordinance in its entirety.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3338 140. ResolutionResolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with CORA to implement in-depth training on the updated Domestic Violence Protocol, increasing the amount by $28,461 and extending the term two months to August 31, 2017. approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1222 128. MiscellaneousReport recommending the denial of claims (Non-culpable)approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3328 127. ResolutionResolution authorizing an agreement with MedAssets Performance Management Solutions, Inc. to provide access to registry staffing agreements, for the term February 1, 2017, through January 31, 2022, in an amount not to exceed $30,000,000.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3333 130. ResolutionResolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Edgewood Center for Children and Families for kinship support services, increasing the amount of the agreement by $72,103, for a total obligation of $172,103, and the term remaining January 1, 2017 through June 30, 2017.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3346 110. ResolutionResolution authorizing implementation of the Woodside Elementary School District Governing Board’s request that future board elections be moved from odd-to even-numbered years.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3393 122. ResolutionMeasure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with CM Pros Inc., for project management services for the Skylonda Fire Station project, for the term of January 24, 2017 through December 30, 2017, in an amount not to exceed $262,600.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3337 123. ResolutionActing as the Governing Board for the In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority, adopt a resolution reclassifying certain positions, adding classifications, and ratifying a classification and certain position title changes within the In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3392 121. ResolutionResolution authorizing an agreement with CM Pros Inc., for project management services for the Animal Shelter Replacement project, for the term of January 24, 2017 through July 31, 2019, in an amount not to exceed $1,589,600.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3352 133. ResolutionResolution authorizing an agreement with Avocette Technologies, Inc. to provide support of the Accela permit tracking system, for the term January 24, 2017 through January 23, 2020, in an amount not to exceed $180,000.approved  Action details Not applicable