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Meeting Name: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/26/2016 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Hall of Justice
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Meeting Extra1: Not applicable Meeting Extra2: Not applicable  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
HIST-RES-2963 124. ResolutionResolution authorizing an agreement with Prins Williams Analytics, LLC to provide research and evaluation services, for the term July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, in an amount not to exceed $145,000.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-2974 125. ResolutionResolution authorizing an agreement with the California Department of Public Health for funding to provide HIV Primary Health Care and Psycho-social Services for the period of April 1, 2016 through March 31, 2019, in an amount not to exceed $911,440. approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3037 132. ResolutionMeasure A: Resolution authorizing the County Parks Director to amend the funding agreement with Coastside Land Trust for the Wavecrest Trail, Phase 2 Project, extending the term through June 30, 2017.approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1098 14. MiscellaneousActing as the Governing Board of the County Service Area No. 8 (North Fair Oaks), conduct a public hearing:approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3041 128. ResolutionResolution authorizing an agreement with the City and County of San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development for funding to provide housing and related services to persons with HIV/AIDS, for the term of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017, in an amount not to exceed $629,082. approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3045 111. ResolutionResolution authorizing an agreement with the California Department of Food and Agriculture for detection and trapping of Mediterranean fruit fly and other economically important plant pests for FY 2016-17 in an amount not to exceed $552,190.approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1106 113. MiscellaneousRecommendation for the appointment of John J. Ferrelli representing Business Community to the Health Commission, for a term ending January 1, 2020. (Supervisors Dave Pine and Don Horsley)approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-2996 123. ResolutionResolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Edgewood Center for Children and Families for Full Service Partnership services, increasing the amount by $2,921,275 to an amount not to exceed $21,115,354, with no change to the term of the agreement.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-2998 119. ResolutionResolution regarding power services at the North Peak of Montara Mountain:approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1113 18. MiscellaneousRecommendation: (Supervisors Don Horsley and Warren Slocum)approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3019 114. ResolutionRatification of a resolution honoring Jessica Mihaly for her contributions to The Big Lift. (Supervisor Carole Groom)approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3024 131. ResolutionResolution authorizing an amendment with CompuCom Systems, Inc. for deployment consulting and management services to continue implementing ServiceNow components of Discovery, Asset Management/Integrations, Configuration Management, and Okta authentication enhancements to the ServiceNow application, increasing the contract amount by $319,260 to an amount not to exceed $1,891,321.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3031 133. ResolutionResolution authorizing amendments to the agreements with “on-call” architectural consulting service firms:approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1111 110. MiscellaneousApprove the minutes for the meeting of June 28, 2016.approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1093 13. MiscellaneousActing as the Governing Board of the ten County Sewer/Sanitation Districts, conduct a public hearing:approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3033 120. ResolutionActing as the Governing Board of the San Mateo County Flood Control District, adopt a resolution:approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3034 121. ResolutionActing as the Governing Board of the San Mateo County Flood Control District, adopt a resolution:approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3030 16. ResolutionResolutions authorizing:approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-2790 122. ResolutionResolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with the California Department of Public Health to increase funding for the Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program by $530,947 (two percent per year), for the term of October 1, 2015 through September 30, 2019, in an amount not to exceed $12,226,183.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3051 134. ResolutionResolution regarding San Mateo Medical Center heating, ventilation and air conditioning controls upgrade project:approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1107 1  MiscellaneousPresentation of Service Awards, 455 County Center, Room 101, Redwood City (County Manager)approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1110 112. MiscellaneousRecommendation for appointments to the Design Review Committee: (Supevisors Dave Pine and Don Horsley)approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3068 135. ResolutionResolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc., for additional engineering Design Development and OSHPD permits for non-structural seismic bracing at multiple facilities at the San Mateo Medical Center, extending the term to June 1, 2017, and increasing the not-to-exceed amount by $158,500, for a new not-to-exceed amount of $368,500.approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1109 117. MiscellaneousRecommendation for the appointment of Leonard Iniguez representing agriculture, including horticulture, floriculture and livestock to the San Mateo County Event Center, for a term ending September 30, 2019. (Supervisors Carole Groom and Adrienne Tissier)approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1112 116. MiscellaneousRecommendation for the reappointments of Supervisor Warren Slocum and Supervisor Dave Pine to the Association of Bay Area Governments Executive Board, for the term of July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2018. (Supervisor Warren Slocum) approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-2921 118. ResolutionResolution authorizing a Ground Lease with NSMG California LLC., for a portion of Skylawn Memorial Park located at 10600 Skyline Boulevard, in San Mateo, for a County wireless communications site.approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1108 115. MiscellaneousRecommendation for the appointments of twenty-five (25) youth to the Youth Commission. (Supervisor Carole Groom)approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-3032 130. ResolutionResolution regarding Revenue Agreements with State Department of Community Services and Development:approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1105 129. MiscellaneousReport recommending the denial of claims (Non-culpable)approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-1100 11. MiscellaneousAccept the 2015 San Mateo County Agricultural Crop Report prepared by the Agricultural Commissioner.approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-2841 127. ResolutionResolution authorizing an agreement with Palo Alto Medical Foundation for Health Care, Research and Education to provide otorhinolaryngology medical services, for the term of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2018, in an amount not to exceed $850,000.approved  Action details Not applicable
MISC-966 17. MiscellaneousCounty Manager’s Report #15approved  Action details Not applicable
HIST-RES-2729 126. ResolutionResolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Organizational Intelligence, LLC, to expand San Mateo Medical Center’s automated reporting system, extending the term through October 31, 2020 and increasing the amount by $872,500, to an amount not to exceed $1,211,000.approved  Action details Not applicable