| 1 | | | Miscellaneous | Approve the elimination of the Board of Supervisor's five Standing Committees (Continued from the meeting of January 24, 2012) | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Resolution | Resolution: | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Resolution | Resolution establishing Public Health Laboratory fees effective February 1, 2012, $666,400 is Net County Cost | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Ordinance | Introduction of an ordinance amending the Master Salary ordinance and waiver of reading the ordinance in its entirety | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Ordinance | Adoption of an ordinance repealing and replacing Chapter 5.44 of Title 5 of the San Mateo County Ordinance Code, relating to massage businesses and amending Chapter 5.64 relating to inspection fees, previously introduced on January 24, 2012 and waiver of reading of the ordinance in its entirety (Jointly with the Health System) | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Miscellaneous | Ratification of a proclamation designating February as Grand Jury Awareness Month (Supervisor Dave Pine) | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Resolution | Ratification of a resolution honoring Sergeant Jeffrey R. Downs for his years of service to the City of Burlingame (Supervisor Dave Pine) | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Resolution | Ratification of a resolution honoring Officer Dale M. Wild for his years of service to the City of Burlingame (Supervisor Dave Pine) | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Resolution | Ratification of a resolution honoring Randy Royce as the 2011 San Carlos Citizen of the Year (Supervisor Don Horsley) | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Resolution | Ratification of a resolution honoring Susan Elizabeth George for her years of service to the Town of Woodside (Supervisor Don Horsley) | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Miscellaneous | Direct the Acting County Manager or his designee to develop an agreement with the Silicon Valley Community Foundation for lead agency services related to the 2012 Food and Shelter Grants Program | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Resolution | Ratification of a resolution honoring Officer Keky R. Duren for her years of service to the City of Burlingame (Supervisor Dave Pine) | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Ordinance | Introduction of an ordinance amending the Master Salary ordinance and waiver of reading the ordinance in its entirety | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Resolution | Acting as the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority, adopt Resolution 2012-01 authorizing the Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo to amend the agreement with MidPen Housing Corp. for the provision of performance of pre-development activities at Half Moon Village, extending the term through May 23, 2012 | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Miscellaneous | Recommendation for the reappointments of Scott Sinor and Helen Lo to the Commission on Disabilities, terms expiring June 30, 2014 (Supervisor Carole Groom) | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Miscellaneous | Approve Property Tax Roll correction for Franciscan Park LLC | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing: | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Miscellaneous | Budget Workshop, Hall of Justice, 400 County Center, First Floor, Board Chambers | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Resolution | Resolution authorizing: | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable
| 1 | | | Resolution | Resolution setting the employer and member contribution rates for the San Mateo County Employees' Retirement Association for FY 2011-12 and FY 2012-13 in accordance with Government Code Sections 31453 and 31454 | approved | |
Action details
Not applicable