Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: President Warren Slocum, District 4
Subject: Reappointment to the Housing and Community Development Committee
Recommendation for the reappointment of Steven Van to the Housing and Community Development Committee, representing the Commission on Disabilities, for a first full 4-year term ending December 31, 2028.
The Housing and Community Development Committee (HCDC) makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors related to the expenditure of all housing and community development funds. The HCDC also reviews and provides a forum for public comment on affordable housing and community development needs and priorities related to the development of the Consolidated Plan and related Annual Action Plans.
Upon the reconfirmation of the Commission on Disabilities, Steven Van is being recommended to serve a first full 4-year term. Upon approval, this 4-year term is effective January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2028.
Steven Van has served on the Commission on Disabilities since May 2021; and on the HCDC since his initial partial term began on December 7, 2021. He is a board-certified Patient Advocate whose passion for supporting the disabilities community is multifaceted. He has worked in healthcare, has cared for family members with multiple health challenges, and has spent a lifetime overcoming his own personal healthcare challenges and disabilities. Steven has also served as the chair of the ADA Compliance Committee under the Commission on Disabilities.
As a professional project manager, Steven has worked in facilities and property management, high technology, security services, and biotechnology. He is a Master Diver and spent several years working in maritime construction management above and below the waterline. Steven is a long-time resident of San Mateo, where he and his wife raised 5...
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