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File #: 24-929    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 11/15/2024 Departments: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DISTRICT 4
On agenda: 12/3/2024 Final action: 12/3/2024
Title: Measure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing a one-time grant of district-discretionary Measure K funds, not to exceed $50,000, to Riekes Center to support programming and instruction for students from North Fair Oaks and East Palo Alto, providing an exception to the criteria for district-discretionary Measure K funds to allow for partial advance payment, and authorizing the County Executive, or designee, to execute the grant agreement.
Sponsors: Warren Slocum
Attachments: 1. 20241203_r_Riekes Center.pdf, 2. 20241203_a_Riekes Center Up Front-signed.docx, 3. 0016_1_20241203_r_Riekes Center.pdf, 4. 0016_2_20241203_a_Riekes Center Up Front-signed.docx.pdf
Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority

To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael P. Callagy, County Executive
Subject: Use of District-Discretionary Measure K Funds -Supervisorial District 4

Measure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing a one-time grant of district-discretionary Measure K funds, not to exceed $50,000, to Riekes Center to support programming and instruction for students from North Fair Oaks and East Palo Alto, providing an exception to the criteria for district-discretionary Measure K funds to allow for partial advance payment, and authorizing the County Executive, or designee, to execute the grant agreement.

Measure K is the half-cent general sales tax initially approved by San Mateo County voters in November 2012 and extended in November 2016 for a total of thirty years.

The Board of Supervisors (Board) held study sessions on Measure K expenditures and approved funds for the fiscal year (FY) 2024-25 budget cycle, divided equally among the five supervisorial districts, for one-time district-discretionary needs and projects. District 4 has submitted a request to use their district-discretionary Measure K funds as shown below and described in the Project Summary section of this memorandum:
District 4 (Supervisor Warren Slocum) - Riekes Center for its Community Support Program, to support programming and instruction for students from North Fair Oaks and East Palo Alto for Academic Year 2024-2025

This item is consistent with the criteria for district-discretionary Measure K funds approved by the Board in December 2018, with the following exception: Riekes Center has requested 50 percent ($25,000) of the grant amount as upfront funding, with the remaining 50 percent ($25,000) paid on a reimbursement basis. This payment structure requires Board approval because the criteria for district-discretionary Measure K funds approved by t...

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