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File #: 24-938    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Passed
File created: 11/8/2024 Departments: COUNTY EXECUTIVE
On agenda: 12/3/2024 Final action: 12/3/2024
Title: Measure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with Live in Peace to provide educational, supportive services and case management to academically disengaged high school students in Belle Haven and East Palo Alto for the term of July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2027, for an amount not to exceed $750,000.
Attachments: 1. 20241203_r_Live in Peace_Measure K Reso, 2. 20241203_a_Live in Peace_signed, 3. 0025_1_20241203_r_Live in Peace_Measure K Reso.pdf, 4. 0025_2_20241203_a_Live in Peace_signed.pdf
Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority

To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael P. Callagy, County Executive
Subject: Measure K: Agreement with Live in Peace for the purpose of providing educational supportive services and case management to academically disengaged high school youth in Belle Haven and East Palo Alto

Measure K: Adopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with Live in Peace to provide educational, supportive services and case management to academically disengaged high school students in Belle Haven and East Palo Alto for the term of July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2027, for an amount not to exceed $750,000.

Measure K is the half-cent general sales tax initially approved by San Mateo County voters in November 2012 and extended for thirty years in November 2016.

In response to the Board's direction, County staff gathered community input regarding priorities for allocating Measure K funds. Staff collected feedback from community-based organizations and county departments and conducted countywide surveys and listening sessions to obtain resident input. At the October 3, 2023, Measure K study session, staff presented a report produced by InterEthnica, summarizing the results of the surveys and listening sessions, which provided valuable input for the Board.

On October 17, 2023, after considering the County's needs and community input, this Board finalized and approved the following priority areas for FY 2024-25 Measure K funding: Children, Families, and Seniors; Housing and Homelessness; and Emergency Preparedness. In addition to approving the priority areas, this Board authorized the County Executive to develop and proceed with a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) process to obtain applications for funding within the approved priority areas and subcategories identified by the Board.

On March 27, 2024, and June 25, 2024, this Board approved recommended applicat...

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