Special Notice / Hearing: 10-day newspaper, 300 ft
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Steve Monowitz, Director of Planning and Building
Subject: Public hearing regarding an Agricultural Preserve and a California Land Conservation (Williamson) Act Contract for 7000 Stage Road.
County File Number: PLN2024-00094 (Catuiza)
Public hearing for consideration of an Agricultural Preserve and California Land Conservation (Williamson) Act contract for Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 081-240-050.
A) Open public hearing
B) Close public hearing
C) Recommendation to:
1. Find the request to establish an Agricultural Preserve and execute a California Land Conservation (Williamson) Act contract at the subject property to be consistent with the County General Plan, Local Coastal Program, Planned Agricultural District/Coastal Development District, the California Land Conservation Act, and San Mateo County Land Conservation Act Uniform Rules and Procedures; and
2. Adopt a resolution establishing an Agricultural Preserve and authorizing execution of a California Land Conservation (Williamson) Act contract for a 151-acre parcel located at 7000 Stage Road (APN 081-240-050) in the unincorporated San Gregorio area of San Mateo County.
Proposal: The applicant, Rachel Catuiza, is requesting to establish an Agricultural Preserve and the execution of a California Land Conservation (Williamson) Act contract on a 151-acre parcel. The parcel is located on the east side of Stage Road at 7000 Stage Road, San Gregorio, CA 94074 (APN 081-240-050).
The parcel consists of approximately 4.3 acres of prime agricultural land located on the northeastern corner of the lot and approximately 146.7 acres of non-prime agricultural land and is undeveloped. The entire parcel is dedicated to cattle grazing, an agricultural use. The entire property is currently under lease for commercial cattle grazing.
Planning ...
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