Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Supervisor Ray Mueller, District 3
Subject: Resolution opposing AT&T application to the California Public Utilities Commission regarding Carrier of Last Resort obligations
Adopt a resolution opposing the application submitted by Pacific Bell Company d/b/a AT&T California (AT&T) to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to be relieved of its Carrier of Last Resort (COLR) obligation.
In March 2023, AT&T submitted an application (Application No. A.23-03-003) to the CPUC requesting to be relieved from its COLR obligations and other associated obligations (Endnote 1).
Pursuant to its COLR obligations, AT&T must provide traditional copper landline telephone service, commonly referred to as Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS), to any customer that requests it within a specific geographic area (Endnote 2). As the designated COLR in many parts of California, including San Mateo County, AT&T must also provide other critical basic telephone services, such as free access to 9-1-1 and telephone relay service, to all customers in the service territories in which AT&T is the COLR. If AT&T's application is approved, AT&T would no longer be required to offer POTS and other critical services throughout San Mateo County.
During its regular meeting on February 27, 2024, this Board considered issuing a subpoena on behalf of this Board to AT&T to provide testimony and produce documents regarding emergency preparedness in the unincorporated areas of San Mateo County. This Board postponed its consideration of the subpoena after AT&T agreed to meet with County staff to provide information regarding the specific services and geographic areas that would be impacted if the CPUC approves AT&T's application.
During its regular meeting on March 12, 2024, this Board received testimony from a representative of AT&T regar...
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