Special Notice / Hearing: None
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Louise F. Rogers, Chief, San Mateo County Health
Stephen Dean, Chief Information Officer, San Mateo County Health
Subject: Agreement with Hyland Software Inc. to Provide a Document Management System
Adopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with Hyland Software Inc. to provide a Document Management System that includes Cloud Services, Intelligent MedRecords-as-a-Service, Intelligent MedRecords, and Managed Services (Integration to Electronic Health Record Solution, and Policy and Procedures) for San Mateo County Health for the term December 12, 2023, through December 11, 2028, in an amount not to exceed $6,945,785.
The new Electronic Health Record (EHR) solution from Epic requires a Document Management System (DMS) that will integrate into the new solution. The existing DMSs are application-specific and unable to connect to Epic to provide seamless interaction with the EHR.
With the selection of Epic as San Mateo County Health's (SMCH's) new integrated EHR system, it is necessary to utilize Hyland Software Inc. (Hyland) DMS, which allows SMCH to become much more automated and efficient utilizing the new EHR solution.
The Hyland DMS enables health systems to accelerate business processes, decrease errors, streamline workflows, and provide better decision insight. Health systems using Epic also have leveraged content services platforms across their enterprise to cost-effectively capture, manage, and process records spanning patient care, accounts payable, human resources, legal, compliance, supply chain, and more.
SMCH/Health Information Technology completed a Request for Proposals in February 2023 for a DMS that is fully integrated with Epic. Hyland was selected due to demonstrated integration experience with Epic, substantial references from similar public safety-net hospitals, and ...
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