Special Notice / Hearing: None_
Vote Required: 4/5ths
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Christina Corpus, Sheriff
Subject: Appropriation Transfer Request for the Northern California High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Grant
Approve an Appropriation Transfer Request (ATR) in the amount of $1,626,427 to make grant funds available for the Northern California High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area grant program.
The Northern California High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (NC HIDTA) was established in 1997 by the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) to assess drug trafficking problems and design specific initiatives to reduce or eliminate the production, manufacture, transportation, distribution, and chronic use of illegal drugs and money laundering. Since its establishment, the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office has served as the NC HIDTA's lead administrative agency.
The operating expenses of the NC HIDTA are currently held in a trust fund managed by the San Mateo County Sheriff's Office. The San Mateo County Sheriff's Office advances funds to carry out the activities of the NC HIDTA program and periodic reimbursements are received from ONDCP. Due to the nature and frequency of reimbursements, the NC HIDTA trust fund carries a negative balance on a regular basis.
To remedy the negative cash balance in the NC HIDTA trust fund account, the Sheriff's Office is consolidating NC HIDTA operations in the general fund. This Appropriation Transfer Request (ATR) appropriates expenditures and corresponding revenue from ONDCP in a single general fund account. Transfers will be made from the trust fund to the general fund once reimbursement is received, thus eliminating the negative cash balance. Upon approval of the ATR, all grant-related NC HIDTA expenditures will be recorded under the HIDTA Intelligence Center general fund account.
This Appropriation Tran...
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