Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Ann M. Stillman, Director of Public Works
Subject: Installation of Two Additional Streetlights on Devonshire Avenue in the Menlo Park Highway Lighting District - North Fair Oaks Area
Acting as the Governing Board of the Menlo Park Highway Lighting District, adopt a resolution authorizing the installation of two streetlights on Devonshire Avenue in the Menlo Park Highway Lighting District.
Under California Streets and Highways Code sections 19000 et seq, the "Highway Lighting District Act," the Board of Supervisors serves as the governing board (body) of the Menlo Park Highway Lighting District (District). Section 19160 provides that the governing board of a highway lighting district may consider the installation of additional streetlights if a written request, signed by two members of the governing body, is filed with the district's governing body.
The Department has received a written request dated April 3, 2023 (attached), signed by two members of the Board of Supervisors, for the installation of an additional streetlight on the above-named street in the vicinity of 180 Buckingham Avenue.
District staff has evaluated the existing streetlights and facilities and recommends the installation of two additional streetlights in the vicinity of 180 Buckingham Avenue on Devonshire Avenue in order to provide the desired outcome of enhancing the illumination and safety conditions of the area.
District staff recommends the installation of Light Emitting Diode (LED) fixtures at the proposed streetlight locations as all the streetlights in this area have been converted to LED through the Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) Company's Turnkey Program. LED lights are more energy efficient and last longer than the other lights. Taxpayers within a 300-foot radius or to the end of the block, whichever is l...
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