Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Koren Widdel, Agricultural Commissioner/Sealer
Subject: 2021 San Mateo County Agricultural Crop Report
Accept the 2021 San Mateo County Agricultural Crop Report prepared by the Agricultural Commissioner.
Sections 2279 and 2272 of the California Food and Agricultural Code require that each California Agricultural Commissioner prepare an annual crop report as well as a sustainable agriculture report. The San Mateo County Agricultural Commissioner issued its first crop report in 1940.
Each county agricultural commissioner is required to annually prepare a summary of the county’s agricultural crop production as well as a sustainable agriculture report. This information is provided to the Secretary of the California Department of Food and Agriculture, and the National Agricultural Statistics Service to track agricultural production and commodity values. Attached is the 2021 San Mateo County Agricultural Crop Report providing information on yields and values of local crops, including nursery, vegetable and field crops, livestock, dairy, and forest products, as well as the summary of sustainable agriculture information, including farmers’ markets, organic producers, and local pest management and pest exclusion programs.
The preparation of the crop report has no impact on the Department’s Net County Cost.