Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: 4/5ths
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael P. Callagy, County Manager
Adam Ely, Project Development Unit Director
Subject: Design Build Authorization for the Navigation Center Project
Adopt a resolution:
A) Finding, pursuant to Section 22050 of the Public Contract Code, that there exists a continuing need to let an agreement for design and construction of the Navigation Center Project without competitive solicitation of proposals in order to address the existing COVID-19 Public Health Emergency and shelter crisis; and
B) Finding that soliciting competitive proposals for the Navigation Center Project would be unavailing and would not produce an advantage, and that advertising for competitive proposals would be undesirable, impracticable, or impossible; and
C) Authorizing and directing the County Manager, or designee, to execute an amendment or amendments to the agreement with XL Construction for design and construction services for the Navigation Center Project for an amount not to exceed $51,250,000; and
D) Authorizing the Director of the Project Development Unit, or designee, to issue change orders to the design-build agreement for the Navigation Center Project that increase the County's maximum obligation under the agreement by no more than ten percent in the aggregate, such that the maximum amount expended under the agreement shall not exceed $56,375,000; and
E) Establishing a budget of $57,000,000 for the Navigation Center Project; and
F) Authorizing the County Manager, or designee, or the Director of the Project Development Unit, or designee, to take all actions that are consistent with and/or necessary to implement and carry out the intent of this resolution, including execution of additional agreements.
San Mateo County continues to face an unprecedented and growing shelter crisis with homelessness experienced in the ...
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