Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael P. Callagy, County Manager / Clerk of the Board
Adam Ely, Project Development Unit Director
Subject: Amendment to Truebeck Agreement for Trade Contract Buyout, Guaranteed Maximum Price, Project Budget
Adopt a resolution authorizing:
A) The President of the Board of Supervisors to execute an amendment to the agreement with Truebeck Construction incorporating trade contractor buyout, increasing the agreement amount by $88,487,293, establishing a guaranteed maximum price of $181,775,460 for the County Office Building 3 (COB3) project, and establishing a total adjusted contract value of $231,379,827 for the County Government Center projects; and
B) The Director of the Project Development Unit or designee to issue change orders that will increase the maximum fiscal obligation under the agreement by no more than 10% in aggregate; and
C) An increase in the COB3 project budget, modifying the amount from that set forth in the adopted 2021-2026 Capital Improvement Plan to incorporate, inter alia, tenant improvement on building level 3 and an appropriate project contingency, and to establish a Final Project Budget of $230,000,000.
In March 2017, this Board considered recommendations for generational capital improvements to address: (1) the County's reliance on increasingly outdated facilities (2) elevated maintenance and operational costs; (3) the County's reliance on approximately 400,000 square feet of leased space subject to cost growth and insecurity; (4) the desire to consolidate the County workforce in owned facilities for long-term savings and site control; (5) upcoming deferred maintenance costs including for mandatory seismic compliance; (6) rising environmental standards; and (7) locational, service, and programming improvements needed to better serve residents.
This Board, thereafter, ...
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