Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Louise F. Rogers, Chief, San Mateo County Health
Lisa Mancini, Director, Aging and Adult Services
Subject: Acceptance of Bequest to Meals on Wheels/Supplemental Meals on Wheels Trust
Adopt a resolution authorizing the acceptance of a bequest in the amount of $128,277.78 to the Meals on Wheels/Supplemental Meals on Wheels Trust.
The San Mateo County Supplemental Meals on Wheels (SMOW) program serves primarily at-risk individuals with disabilities between the age of 18 and 59. To receive SMOW services, individuals must be homebound, unable to prepare or obtain nutritious meals, and lack assistance from family or others who could aid in the provision of meals. The Meals on Wheels (MOW) program serves similarly situated clients who are age 60 or older.
A trust fund for the MOW/SMOW programs was established in 1996 to collect and track donations, grants, and other funding sources separate from State, federal, and County monies allocated for MOW/SMOW services. Since MOW services are already funded by the Older Americans Act (OAA), the MOW/SMOW trust funds are mainly used to fund SMOW services.
All donations to the MOW/SMOW trust fund are reviewed by the Director of Aging and Adult Services (AAS) to ensure they are appropriate and comply with County policy. On May 27, 2021, County Counsel received a distribution from a decedent's estate in the mail in the form of a check for $128,277.78 made out to MOW. Accompanying the check was a copy of a codicil to the decedent's will that had been lodged with the court (bequeathing funds to MOW of San Mateo at 225 37th Avenue) and an order from the San Mateo County Probate Court approving the final distribution of the estate's assets, including the money to MOW. Per Administrative Memo B-3, all donations, gifts, or bequests exceeding $2,500 must be ap...
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