Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael Callagy, County Manager
Adam Ely, Project Development Unit Director
Subject: Amendment to Truebeck Construction Agreement for County Office Building 3 Trade Contractor Buy-Out
Adopt a resolution authorizing the President of the Board of Supervisors to execute an amendment to the Construction Manager at Risk agreement with Truebeck Construction for the County Government Center Projects increasing the amount by $69,362,343, for a total adjusted contract value of $142,892,534.
In March 2017, this Board considered recommendations for generational capital improvements to efficiently and responsibly address: (1) the County's reliance on increasingly aged and outdated facilities and associated elevated maintenance and operational costs; (2) the County's substantial reliance on approximately 400,000 square feet of leased space subject to market-based cost growth and insecurity and the desire to consolidate the workforce in County owned facilities for long-term savings and site control; (3) upcoming deferred maintenance costs including for mandatory seismic compliance; (4) rising environmental standards; and (5) locational, service, and programming improvements needed to better serve residents.
This Board, thereafter, directed staff to pursue various projects, including the County Office Building 3 Project (COB3).
As currently designed, COB3 will provide 208,000 total square feet of program for up to 612 County employees. It will contain multiple levels of offices, workspaces, conference rooms, and shared amenities, along with the Board chambers. The project will include two public plazas and a new public promenade to connect COB3 with existing County facilities and downtown Redwood City. The project is targeting Zero Net Energy (ZNE) and LEED Platinum Certification and incorporates best practi...
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