Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Ken Cole, Director, Human Services Agency
Subject: Acceptance of Donation to San Mateo County Children's Fund
Adopt a resolution authorizing the acceptance of a check donation in the amount of $6,500 to the San Mateo County Children's Fund.
The San Mateo County Children's Fund (Children's Fund) program serves more than 4,000 foster and low-income children annually by providing items such as clothing, backpacks, holiday gifts, and Halloween costumes. In providing these services, Children's Fund accepts donations in the form of cash or check donations and in-kind donations.
All services and goods provided to the children of San Mateo County, through the Children's Fund program, are based solely on private and community donations. One hundred percent (100%) of all donations go directly to children in need. Administrative costs to operate the Children's Fund are funded solely by the County of San Mateo. Most of the services provided by the Children's Fund, except for basic administrative services, are performed by volunteers. The program manages about 300-350 volunteers per year.
The Children's Fund aims to serve over 4,500 children in FY 2019-20 and anticipates receiving services from up to 300 volunteers. Most of the donations received by the Children's Fund are under $2,500 per donor. All donations presented to the Children's Fund program are reviewed by the Director of the Human Services Agency to ensure that they are appropriate and in compliance with County Policy. Recently, Children's Fund received a donation of $6,500. Per Administrative Memo-B3, all donations, gifts or bequests exceeding $2,500 must be approved by the Board of Supervisors.
Children's Fund is presenting this donation for acceptance. The Children's Fund asks for approval and acceptance of this donation as shown in th...
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