Special Notice/Hearing: None
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Peggy Jensen, Interim Parks Director
Subject: Submission of an application to the California Natural Resources Agency’s Recreational Trailways and Greenways Grant Program for an award of $4 million for construction of the Coyote Point Eastern Promenade Project
Adopt a resolution authorizing the Parks Director, or her designee, to submit an application to the California Natural Resources Agency’s Recreational Trailways and Greenways Grant Program for an award of $4 million for construction of the Coyote Point Eastern Promenade Project.
The Coyote Point Recreation Area’s Eastern Promenade (“Promenade”) consists of a degraded trail and adjacent sandy beach; both of which are used by park visitors for various forms of recreation. Patrons picnic and play along the shoreline; walk, jog, or bicycle on the trail; observe wildlife in the San Francisco Bay (“Bay”); and watch airplanes fly in and out of San Francisco International Airport. Windsurfers, kiteboarders, and kayakers use the Promenade to access the open waters of the Bay.
The Promenade is recognized in two regional trail plans. It is a segment of the San Francisco Bay Trail, and enables pedestrians and cyclists to travel through the Coyote Point Recreation Area to City of San Mateo and City of Burlingame neighborhoods and businesses. It is also listed as a high opportunity site in the San Francisco Bay Area Water Trail Plan.
Over time, strong winds and tides have deteriorated the shoreline trail and beach such that only an engineered solution can prevent permanent closure of the site. Establishing a system of managed retreat will help resolve issues created by coastal erosion and flooding, and restore a bayside recreation opportunity. The Department previously secured private funding to develop a full set of construction plans and specifications, and obtain all required permits, but substantial funding is required to undertake and complete the necessary construction.
The Coyote Point Eastern Promenade Project (“Project”) is the second phase of a two-phase project designed to re-establish the northern shoreline of the Coyote Point Recreation Area. The Project includes the creation of a crescent bay with a perched flat sandy beach ranging in width from 50 to 125 feet and capable of withstanding anticipated sea level rise levels projected for 2050. The Project also includes a 1,000-foot-long Promenade trail with several access ramps and beach mats for beachgoers, swimmers, and kayakers as well as a new restroom building. When completed, the Project will provide a new beach recreation opportunity in San Mateo County.
The engineer’s current estimate for construction of the Project is being updated, and therefore, the estimated construction cost is unknown. Still, the Department has appropriated approximately $6,000,000 in the Fiscal Year 2019-20 Recommended Adopted Budget for the Project. To supplement County funds, the Department is pursuing $4 million in grant funding from the California Natural Resources Agency’s Recreational Trailways and Greenways Grants Program. Should funds be received, the Department anticipates the Project will be fully funded.
County Counsel has reviewed and approved the resolution as to content and form.
Approval of this action contributes to the Shared Vision 2025 outcome of an Environmentally Conscious Community by increasing the quality of natural experiences and recreation opportunities available for County Park visitors.
The Department is working with the County’s grant writer to prepare the grant application. Therefore, costs associated with preparation of the grant application will be paid for by the funds appropriated in the 2019-20 Recommended Adopted Budget for such purpose. For this reason, there is no Net County Cost associated with this action.