Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Steve Monowitz, Community Development Director
Subject: Agreement with Analytical Environmental Services, Inc.
Adopt a resolution waiving the request for proposals process and authorizing an agreement with Analytical Environmental Services, Inc. for the provision of condition compliance and mitigation monitoring services for the term of August 6, 2019 to December 31, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $140,000.
In February 2016, the Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution approving permit application No.: PLN2002-00517, authorizing a 19-lot subdivision in unincorporated San Mateo Highlands, the Ascension Heights subdivision, and associated construction of 19 single-family homes. Following two unsuccessful court challenges, the Board's approval became effective in May 2018. Since that time the applicant and County staff have been working through conditions of approval to enable the applicant to begin construction of the project.
As a condition of project approval, the project applicant is required to "enter into a contract with the San Mateo County Planning and Building Department for all mitigation monitoring for this project. The fee shall be staff's cost, plus 10 percent required in the current Planning Service Fee Schedule. Planning staff may, at their discretion, contract these services to an independent contractor at cost, plus an additional 10 percent for contract administration." The proposed agreement with Analytical Environmental Services, Inc. (AES) will implement this condition of approval.
The Board's approval of PLN2002-00517, included a condition authorizing the Community Development Director (Director) to enter into an agreement for mitigation and permit condition compliance monitoring, at cost plus 10 percent. Planning staff, after soliciting bids from several consultin...
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