Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael Callagy, County Manager
Rocio Kiryczun, Human Resources Director
Subject: Internal Coach Certification Program
Recognize and commend the County's inaugural Internal Coaching Certification Program graduates upon their successful completion of the sixty-hour training program: Anessa Farber, Conrad Fernandes, Kristin Herman, Patricia Irwin, John Keene, Rochelle Kiner, Valissa Mathewson, Rana Nasar, Theresa Rabe, Melissa Sheehan, Emily Weaver, and Marshall Wilson.
In 2005 the Succession Planning Implementation and Evaluation Committee was established to recommend and develop a comprehensive Succession Planning Program to meet workforce needs. The committee reviews workforce data and trends annually and recommends programs that support the County's recruitment, retention, and development needs. In 2018, the Committee recommended that an internal coach program be established that would provide every new and promoted manager with a coach to help support their success during the first six months of their new assignment. The committee recognized that those familiar with the organization are well positioned to help new managers learn to work effectively within the culture and navigate through our organizational systems.
In December 2018, the College of Executive Coaching (CEC) was selected through a Request for Proposal Process (RFP) as the training program for Internal Coaches. The CEC training is a credentialed program through the International Coach Foundation. The recruitment for internal coaches was announced to all managers and informational meetings were conducted. Twelve managers were selected after a comprehensive screening and interviewing process.
The participants completed a rigorous training program that involved learning coaching skills and competencies, using assessmen...
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