Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Adam Ely, Director of the Project Development Unit
Subject: Amendments to Agreement with BEI Construction
Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director of the Project Development Unit, or designee to:
A) Execute amendments to the agreement with BEI Construction, Inc. for the Data Center Infrastructure buildout for the Regional Operations Center, in an amount not to exceed $345,375, for an adjusted total contract value of $3,619,879; and
B) Execute additional contract amendments and change orders that will increase the County's maximum fiscal obligation by no more than $100,000 in aggregate for a total authorized contract value not to exceed $3,719,879 and/or modify the contract term, terms, and/or services where authorized by law within approved fiscal provisions.
In January 2017, the Project Development Unit was formed to oversee and manage ground up construction performed by the County of San Mateo. Multiple large County capital projects are currently underway, including construction of the County's Regional Operations Center (ROC). Once completed, the ROC will house the County's Data Center, where the majority of the County's technical infrastructure will be located. This includes file server systems, telecommunications systems, and data storage systems.
Following a competitive Request for Proposals process, the County selected BEI Construction Inc. for the Data Center Infrastructure Buildout. On September 25, 2018, this Board authorized a design-build agreement with BEI for Data Center Infrastructure.
In September 2018, this Board approved the FY 2018-19 Adopted Budget, appropriating a $6.5M increase in Measure K funding to the ROC project to fund a portion of the Data Center build-out, including BEI Construction's design build agreement.
The original Data Center design was d...
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