Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Peggy Jensen, Interim Parks Director
Subject: Agreement with CSW|ST2 for the professional services required to design and permit the Tunitas Creek Beach Improvement Project
Adopt a resolution authorizing:
A) The Parks Director, or her designee, to execute an agreement with CSW|ST2 for the professional services required to design and permit the Tunitas Creek Beach Improvement Project, for an amount not to exceed $939,470, and a term expiring August 6, 2022; and
B) The Parks Director, or her designee, to execute amendments to the agreement to modify the County's maximum fiscal obligation by no more than $25,000, and/or modify the agreement's terms and/or services, so long as the modified term(s) and/or services is/are within the current or revised fiscal provisions.
In December 2018, the Parks Department ("Department") released a Request for Proposals ("RFP") seeking a qualified firm to plan, permit, and design the Tunitas Creek Beach Improvement Project ("Project"). The Project consists of identifying and implementing visitor-serving amenities essential to converting the property into a county park. Some of the required improvements include the engineered reinforcement of the emergency access path, vault-style restrooms, pedestrian overlook(s), picnic tables and benches, parking stalls, storage for supplies and equipment necessary to manage the property as a county park, pedestrian pathways connecting all improvements, and non-potable water storage tanks. To the greatest extent practicable and feasible, improvements will be ADA compliant.
The Project also includes two feasibility studies: one to determine the feasibility of using the adjacent pullout for parking, and a second to ascertain whether a Ranger station, Ranger residence, or visitor center could be constructed on the property.
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