Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Louise F. Rogers, Chief, San Mateo County Health
Scott Gilman, Director, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services
Subject: Agreement with Fivebase, LLC for Configuration and Programmatic Expansion Services
Adopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with Fivebase, LLC for configuration and programmatic expansion services of the County’s myAvatar system for the term July 23, 2019 through September 30, 2019, in an amount not to exceed $175,000.
In February 2017, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) established a continuum of care model based on the American Society of Addiction Management (ASAM) and other best practice standards related to timely access to care and care coordination. The myAvatar system (myAvatar) is BHRS’s Electronic Health Record (EHR), which tracks limited substance use disorder (SUD) treatment data and collects the following information: client demographics, episodes of care, and units of service. Access to quality data trends and data within the SUD treatment system has been identified as a significant barrier to realizing the goals of the ASAM continuum of care model.
Under the B-1 Administrative Memorandum, sole source services are exempt from the Request for Proposal process. Fivebase, LLC (Fivebase) is a sole source provider because of its extensive prior experience with the BHRS version of the NetSmart myAvatar software.
On December 28, 2018, the California Department of Health Care Services announced the availability of 2018 Substance Abuse Prevention Treatment Block Grant (SABG) excess funds, to be fully expended by September 30, 2019. The excess funds allowed grantees to enhance data collection and reporting, thus facilitating the use of evidence-based practices and care coordination.
Through this contract, Fivebase will enhance myAvatar to include data collection, performance metrics, and reporting to align myAvatar with the ASAM continuum of care model. Fivebase also will implement mechanisms for increased administrative oversight and accountability to best practices. Continued success in this integration requires that the operations and workflows of the contract SUD provider network be integrated with the County’s EHR, meeting updated administrative and technical standards. Through this effort, the contracted SUD providers will be provided professional EHR services focused on aligning their workflows with myAvatar’s infrastructure and system reports will be developed to monitor performance in accordance with best practice metrics. Performance measurement and trend analysis will be used to improve quality outcomes and assure efficient service delivery by the SUD provider network.
The resolution contains the County’s standard provision allowing amendment of the County’s fiscal obligations by a maximum of $25,000 (in aggregate).
The agreement and resolution have been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form. ISD has reviewed and approved the IT component of this agreement.
Approval of this agreement contributes to the Shared Vision 2025 outcome of a Healthy Community by providing timely access to health care services through the expansion of the myAvatar system. It is anticipated that 100 percent of expansion tasks will be completed accurately and on time.
Measure |
FY 2018-19 Actual |
FY 2019-20 Projected |
Percentage of expansion activities completed accurately and on time. |
N/A* |
100% 17 expansion tasks |
*This is a new service and data will be available after FY 2019-20
The term of the agreement is July 23, 2019 through September 30, 2019. The amount of the agreement is not to exceed $175,000. Funds in the amount of $175,000 are included in the BHRS FY 2019-20 Recommended Budget. Of that amount, it is anticipated that 100 percent will be funded by Substance Abuse Treatment Block Grant funds. There is no Net County Cost associated with this agreement.