Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Carole Groom, President, District 2
Warren Slocum, Supervisor, District 4
Subject: Appointments to the Bay Area Toll Authority's Regional Measure 3 Independent Oversight Committee
Adopt a resolution appointing Bob Marks and Frederick A. Hansson to the Bay Area Toll Authority's (the "Authority's") Regional Measure 3 Independent Oversight Committee for terms ending June 30, 2023.
On June 5, 2018, voters in the nine Bay Area counties approved Regional Measure 3 ("RM 3"), a proposed increase to toll rates on state-owned bridges in the region. RM 3 authorized toll increases of up to three dollars ($3) to be phased in one dollar at a time over the course of six years. Effective January 1, 2019, the base toll rate on these bridges was increased by one dollar.
SB 595 also required, if voters approved the RM3 toll increase, that the Authority establish an independent oversight committee within six months of the effective date of the toll increase (i.e., on or before July 1, 2019). This committee will be subject to the Brown Act.
SB 595 sets forth the following provisions regarding the functions and membership of the independent oversight committee (the "Oversight Committee") (Streets and Highways Code Section 30923 (h)):
* The purpose of the Oversight Committee is to ensure that any toll revenues generated pursuant to the RM3 toll increase are expended consistent with the applicable requirements of the RM3 expenditure plan set forth in Streets and Highways Code Section 30914.7;
* The Oversight Committee shall include two representatives from each county within the jurisdiction of the commission;
* Each representative shall be appointed by the applicable county board of supervisors and serve a four-year term and shall be limited to two terms;
* The Oversight Committee shall annually review the ex...
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