Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Rocio Kiryczun, Director, Human Resources Department
Scott Johnson, Deputy Director, Human Resources Department
Subject: Disposition of Claims Filed Against County
Report recommending the denial of claims (Non-culpable)
Under authority of section 2.10.070 of the Ordinance Code, the County Manager has designated the Director to process claims filed against the County. Further investigation may indicate justification for payment by the County. If so, payment will be made under the authority of the Risk Manager or will be brought back to the Board.
The Risk Management Division has reviewed these claims and recommends that you take the following action.
Claim # |
Claimant |
Incident Date |
Recommended Board Action and Basis |
Claims recommended for denial: |
A19-4548 |
State Farm a/s/o Elma Dancil |
02/19/2019 |
Non-culpable |
Claimant alleges their insured driver’s vehicle was damaged by a |
County driver. |
G19-5211 |
Linda Lieu |
05/07/2019 |
Non-culpable |
Claimant alleges that personal property was lost by Court Security. |
G19-5238 |
Gerald Allen |
01/29/2019 |
Non-culpable |
Claimant alleges wrongful termination by the Jefferson Union High |
School District. |
G19-5272 |
Mr. A. R. Habeeb Jr. |
05/01/2019 |
Non-culpable |
Claimant alleges a dangerous road condition contributed to a |
bicycle accident that caused property damage. |
G19-5275 |
Dr. Elaine Pico |
12/20/2018 |
Non-culpable |
Claimant alleges a dangerous parking lot condition contributed to a |
trip and fall resulting in bodily injuries. |
Careful consideration of these claims contributes to the Shared Vision 2025 outcome of a Collaborative Community by ensuring fair and equitable handling of all claims while conserving financial resources and protecting assets.