Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: 4/5ths
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: James C. Porter, Director of Public Works
Subject: Agreement with the Coastside Adult Day Health Center and the Half Moon Bay Pilots Association for a Fundraising Dinner at the Half Moon Bay Airport
Adopt a resolution authorizing an agreement with the Coastside Adult Day Health Center and the Half Moon Bay Pilot's Association, for a three-year term commencing in April 2019 to April 2021, to host a fundraising dinner prior to the Pacific Coast Dream Machines event at the Half Moon Bay Airport on the last Saturday in April.
Your Board has authorized similar agreements with the Coastside Adult Day Health Center to conduct the annual Pacific Coast Dream Machines fundraising dinner at the Half Moon Bay Airport (Airport) each of the past 28 years. The annual Dream Machines event is the largest source of fundraising revenue for the Coastside Adult Day Health Center (CADHC) located in Half Moon Bay. The fundraising dinner, associated with the Dream Machines Event, is hosted by the Half Moon Bay Pilots Association, and benefits the Half Moon Bay High School's scholarship fund.
Section 25536 of the California Government Code provides that a board of supervisors, by 4/5ths vote, may enter into agreements to allow activities on County airport property.
Your Board approved Resolution Number 076543 on April 9, 2019 for the Dream Machines Event (Event). The Department of Public Works (Department) requests your Board to approve the annual fundraising dinner associated with the event which requires the CADHC to:
? Provide sufficient staffing to coordinate parking, perimeter security, and the general policing of the Airport area to be used. CADHC will also coordinate traffic control with the Sheriff's Office and the California Highway Patrol; and
? Provide insurance coverage for the Event that meets the requ...
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