Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Daniel T. Belville, Director, Public Safety Communications
Subject: Issuance of Purchase Orders to Deccan International
Recommendation to:
A) Adopt a resolution authorizing the County Purchasing Agent, to issue purchase orders to Deccan International for software and services related to the new Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) System, for the term of May 1, 2019 through April 30, 2024, for an amount not to exceed $1,281,264; and
B) Approve an appropriation transfer request in the amount of $1,281,264 from Non-Departmental Services and ERAF Reserves to New CAD Project.
In April 2015, Public Safety Communications (PSC) initiated the Computer-Aided-Dispatch (CAD) System replacement project in an effort to replace the existing Northrop Grumman CAD that has been in operation since January 1994. While the existing system has been well maintained for nearly 25 years and has performed exceptionally, it has reached the end of its useful life. Replacing this system was a comprehensive, collaborative, and complex process due to the mission critical nature of the system, its connection to mobile equipment in the field, and importance of its use by PSC stakeholders.
Since April 2015, many milestones have been reached that ensure the needs of the County and stakeholders are met. Over the past three plus years, PSC has coordinated and facilitated:
? Development of an RFP and subsequent selection of consultants to conduct a gap analysis on the capabilities of the existing CAD system to those in the marketplace
? Formation of an Executive Steering Committee, comprised of Chiefs, Executives, and Managers from all public safety communities PSC serves
? Acceptance of a comprehensive Gap Analysis with 13 recommendations, which formed the basis of the next steps in the project
? Formation of a Project Team comprised...
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