Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: James C Porter, Director of Public Works
Subject: Amendment to the Agreement with Biggs Cardosa Associates, Inc. for Engineering and Environmental Permitting Services for the Bridge Preventative Maintenance Program
Adopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the agreement with Biggs Cardosa Associates, Inc., for Engineering and Environmental Permitting services extending the term through January 31, 2020.
On November 20, 2012, your Board adopted Resolution No. 072275, which authorized the agreement with Biggs Cardosa Associates, Inc. (Biggs Cardosa) for engineering and environmental permitting services for the Preventative Maintenance for Various County Bridges Project in the amount of $145,000. The work performed by Biggs Cardosa has been for the following bridges: Alpine Road Bridge over San Francisquito Creek, Madera Lane Bridge over El Corte de Madera Creek, and Stage Road Bridge over Pescadero Creek (Bridge Projects).
On June 2, 2015, your Board adopted Resolution No. 073835, which authorized Amendment No. 1 to the agreement to extend the term through November 20, 2017 and increase the agreement amount by $61,020 to $206,020. Amendment No. 1 provided additional funding for engineering and environmental permitting services required to complete the bid documents and obtain the permits for the Bridge Projects. Construction work associated with the Alpine Road Bridge and Stage Road Bridge were completed in 2017 and work on the Madera Lane Bridge deferred based on the bid price received.
On September 12, 2017, your Board adopted Resolution 075445, which authorized Amendment No. 2 to the agreement with Biggs Cardosa to extend the term through November 30, 2018, and increase the agreement amount by $25,000 to $231,020. Amendment No. 2 provided additional funding for revising the plans and specifications for the Madera Lane Bridge over El Corte de Madera Creek Project (Project) for re-advertisement and bidding. The work also included engineering support services during construction for this Project.
On April 24, 2018, your Board adopted Resolution No. 075862, which adopted plans and specifications for the Project, including conformance with Federal prevailing wage scale requirements, and authorized the Director of Public Works to call for sealed bids to be received.
On June 5, 2018, your Board adopted Resolution 075934 which authorized an agreement with Bugler Construction (Bugler), for construction of the Project.
Amendment No. 3 extends the term of the agreement with Biggs Cardosa through January 31, 2020. Bugler Construction (Bugler) began work on Madera Lane Bridge in August 2018. The environmental permits for this Project allowed construction work when El Corte de Madera Creek (Creek) was dry, which was not the case during the summer of 2018. During construction, it was determined that the Creek flow prohibited the Contractor from performing the required Project work as originally anticipated. Therefore, construction was halted until the environmental permits are amended to allow for work in the Creek when water is present. The County has consulted with the regulatory agencies for approval and anticipates construction work to recommence in Summer of 2019 once the required permits have been obtained.
The Department recommends that your Board approve Amendment No. 3 to the agreement with Biggs Cardosa to provide the required engineering and environmental permitting support services through completion of the Project, which is anticipated to be in the Fall of 2019.
County Counsel has reviewed and approved the resolution and amendment as to form.
Approval of the amendment contributes to the Shared Vision 2025 outcome of a Livable Community by improving and maintaining the integrity of bridges for use by the traveling public to support livable connected communities.
The amendment will extend the term of this agreement from November 30, 2018 to January 31, 2020. There is no fiscal impact associated with this amendment. There is no impact to the General Fund.