Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: John L. Maltbie, County Manager
Subject: Appointment to the Cities of East Palo Alto, Menlo Park and South San Francisco Successor Agency Oversight Boards
Approve the appointment of Iliana Rodriguez, Deputy County Manager to the Oversight Boards for the Successor Agencies to the dissolved Redevelopment Agencies for the Cities of East Palo Alto, Menlo Park and South San Francisco.
Pursuant to ABx1 26, all Redevelopment Agencies (RDAs) in the state were dissolved effective February 1, 2012. As of that date, each of the 13 RDAs in San Mateo County were succeeded by “Successor Agencies” for the purpose of winding down the former RDAs’ affairs. Each Successor Agency shall be overseen by a seven-member “Oversight Board.” ABx1 26 provides that the County may nominate two members of each Oversight Board, at least one of whom must be a “member of the public.”
The County Member for the East Palo Alto, Menlo Park and South San Francisco Successor Agency Oversight Boards is retiring, and a new County Member must be appointed. The County Manager’s Office requests that the Board of Supervisors approve the appointment of Iliana Rodriguez, Deputy County Manager, to the City of East Palo Alto Oversight Board, the City of Menlo Park Oversight Board, and the City of South San Francisco Oversight Board. This appointment, pursuant to California Health & Safety Code section 34179(a) will be in effect until July 1, 2018, when the countywide oversight board becomes effective pursuant to California Health & Safety Code section 34179(j).
There is no fiscal impact.