Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Supervisor Don Horsley
Subject: Appointment to the Assessment Appeals Board
Recommendation for the appointment of Donald W. McVey to the Assessment Appeals Board as a Regular Commissioner for a three-year term ending September 30, 2020.
In order to equalize the local tax assessment roll, the Assessment Appeals Board (“AAB”) is charged with hearing appeals to property tax assessments. In accordance with state law, a local AAB may lower or increase individual assessments as appropriate. Members of an AAB must have a minimum of five years professional experience in the State of California as a certified public accountant or public accountant, a licensed real estate broker, an attorney, or a property appraiser accredited by a nationally recognized professional organization.
Pursuant to County Ordinance section 2.92.030 and state law, the Board of Supervisors directly appoints the members of the AAB to renewable three-year terms.
Donald W. McVey is a resident of San Mateo County and satisfies the requirements set forth in the Revenue & Taxation Code for appointment to the AAB. Specifically, Mr. McVey is a certified public accountant, with over thirty years of experience, including more than 25 years as the Director of Finance and Administrative Services for the City of Daly City.
This appointment contributes to the 2025 Shared Vision outcome of a Collaborative Community by building an effective government through civic engagement, public service, volunteerism, and participation in public discussions of important issues.