Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: John L. Maltbie, County Manager
Peggy Jensen, Deputy County Manager
Subject: Supplemental memorandum regarding a zoning text and map amendment, a General Plan map amendment, an amendment to San Mateo County's Trailer Camp regulations, and an associated Initial Study and Negative Declaration, to 1) adopt a new Mobilehome Park (MH) zoning district as a new chapter of the San Mateo County Zoning Regulations, 2) amend the County zoning maps to apply the new MH zoning designation to six existing mobilehome parks in unincorporated San Mateo County, replacing the existing zoning of each park, 3) in the case of three of the existing mobilehome parks, amend the County General Plan land use map to change the underlying general plan land use designation of those parks to Medium High Density Residential, 4) repeal the County's Trailer Camp regulations, Chapter 5.92 of the County Ordinance Code, in their entirety, and 5) adopt the Initial Study and Negative Declaration for the project
Recommendation for the Board of Supervisors to:
A) Adopt a resolution adopting the Initial Study and Negative Declaration for the proposed adoption of the new MH Zoning District, the proposed zoning map amendment, the proposed General Plan land use map amendments, and the repeal of Chapter 5.92 of the County Ordinance Code, as complete and correct; and
B) Adopt an ordinance amending the County Ordinance Code, Division VI, Part One (Zoning Regulations) to add Chapter 26 (MH (Mobilehome Park) Zoning District), amending Division VI, Part One, Chapter 2, Section 6115 (Zoning Maps), amending General Plan Land Use Maps 8.2M and 8.4M, and repealing Chapter 5.92 of the County Ordinance Code (Trailer Camp Regulations) in its entirety, and waive reading of the ordinance in its entirety.
Proposal: The proposed project is a zonin...
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