Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Supervisor Warren Slocum
Supervisor David J. Canepa
Subject: Appointments and Reappointment to the Arts Commission
Recommendation for appointments and reappointment to the San Mateo County Arts Commission:
A) Edward Sweeney, representing District 4, appointment for a term ending December 31, 2022; and
B) Samaruddin Stewart, representing District 5, reappointment for a term ending December 31, 2022; and
C) Pauline B. Fong, representing District 5, appointment for a term ending December 31, 2022.
The Arts Commission was created to promote and encourage the arts, to serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors, to prepare and update the County's strategic and cultural plan, and act as a liaison with arts organizations in order to ensure collaboration and coordination related to culture and art activities in San Mateo County.
On January 15, 2002, the Board approved Resolution No. 65013 (the "Original Resolution") creating the San Mateo County Arts Commission (the "Arts Commission"), the purposes of which include the promotion and encouragement of the arts in the County and liaising with arts organizations to ensure collaboration and coordination relating to cultural and arts activities in the County. The original resolution limits the Arts Commission to five (5) members, with no more than two (2) members residing in the same supervisorial district. However, the County's dedication to the arts continues to grow and, along with it, the number of highly-qualified residents interested in serving on the Arts Commission. Therefore, on September 4, 2018, the Board approved Resolution No. 076092 to increase the total membership of the Arts Commission to 10 members, two from each supervisorial district, and modify the term of membership to replace the term "12 year limit" with "three-term limit....
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