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File #: 25-172    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/12/2025 Departments: INFORMATION SERVICES
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action:
Title: Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director/Chief Information Officer or designee to execute necessary contract documents resulting from competitive solicitations for the procurement and renewal of software, hardware, and maintenance, for the individual terms as specified in Attachment A to this resolution, in a total aggregate amount not to exceed $21,770,000.
Attachments: 1. 20250311_r_IT Procurement, 2. 20250311_att_ATTACHMENT A
Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority

To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael Wentworth, Director/Chief Information Officer, Information Services Department
Subject: Information Technology Procurements and Maintenance Agreements

Adopt a resolution authorizing the Director/Chief Information Officer or designee to execute necessary contract documents resulting from competitive solicitations for the procurement and renewal of software, hardware, and maintenance, for the individual terms as specified in Attachment A to this resolution, in a total aggregate amount not to exceed $21,770,000.

The Information Services Department (ISD) provides technology services to County departments and external agencies, including support of enterprise infrastructure which delivers network, cybersecurity, data center, public safety radio, servers, and applications services. To maintain seamless operation and optimal performance, ISD diligently manages the procurement of software and hardware, as well as the required ongoing subscription and support maintenance required to access and support the enterprise infrastructure.

On January 30, 2024, this Board approved Resolution No. 080144 and on June 11, 2024 approved Resolution No. 080436 authorizing the Director/Chief Information Officer or designee to execute necessary contract documents for procurement and renewal of software and hardware maintenance.

Through this item, ISD is requesting approval for the new contracts and contract renewals specified in Attachment A to the resolution accompanying this memorandum. Additionally, ISD requests this Board's approval authorizing the Director/Chief Information Officer or designee to execute the necessary contract documents resulting from competitive solicitations for the procurement and renewal of software, hardware, and maintenance as specified in Attachment A in a total aggregate amou...

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