Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Louise F. Rogers, Chief, San Mateo County Health
Scott Gilman, Director, Behavioral Health and Recovery Services
Subject: Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding with First 5 San Mateo County
Adopt a resolution authorizing an amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding between Behavioral Health and Recovery Services and First 5 San Mateo County to provide training and support for child and family serving organizations to make internal operations more trauma-informed for the term of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022, in an amount not to exceed $300,000.
Between October and December 2017, San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS) hosted a prevention and early intervention taskforce (PEI Taskforce) of subject-matter experts, leaders, clients/consumers and family, and community members to develop specific strategic and programmatic recommendations for the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) component for children ages 0-5. Participants reviewed data, best practices and current program outcomes, prioritized across issues, and helped develop a final set of recommendations for the MHSA three-year plan FY 2017-20. The PEI Taskforce highlighted early identification and treatment for children ages 0-5 as a priority and agreed that the results of a community planning effort, currently conducted by First 5 San Mateo County (First 5), would be important to leverage and support.
The Mental Health Substance Abuse and Recovery Commission voted to open a 30-day public comment period and subsequently approved the recommendations following a public hearing on February 6, 2018.
Additionally, the First 5 Mental Health's Building Steering Committee recommended prioritizing the development of an Early Childhood Trauma-Informed Systems Initiative (ECTISI...
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