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File #: 20-573    Version: Name:
Type: Memo Status: Passed
File created: 6/26/2020 Departments: PLANNING AND BUILDING
On agenda: 8/4/2020 Final action: 8/4/2020
Title: Consideration of an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to deny a Coastal Development Permit, Design Review Permit, and Variance, for the construction of a single-family residence with an internal second unit located on a 5,000 sq. ft. legal parcel: A) Open public hearing B) Close public hearing C) Uphold the appeal and approve the proposed Coastal Development Permit, Design Review Permit, and Variance, applications contained in County File No. PLN 2018-00458, and adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration included as Attachment I, based on the findings and conditions of approval contained in Attachment A.
Attachments: 1. 20200804_es_08042020.pdf, 2. 20200804_att_attchment A .pdf, 3. 20200804_att_attchment B .pdf, 4. 20200804_att_attchment C .pdf, 5. 20200804_att_attchment D .pdf, 6. 20200804_att_attchment E .pdf, 7. 20200804_att_attchment F .pdf, 8. 20200804_att_attchment G .pdf, 9. 20200804_att_attchment H .pdf, 10. 20200804_att_attchment I .pdf
Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority

TO: Honorable Board of Supervisors

From: Steve Monowitz, Community Development Director

Subject: Consideration of an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to deny a Coastal Development Permit, Design Review Permit, and Variance, for the construction of a single-family residence with an internal second unit located on a 5,000 sq. ft. legal parcel. Relief from height, daylight plane, and parking requirements are requested through the Variance. Minor grading and removal of ten trees is also proposed. The project is located on Sunshine Valley Road in the unincorporated Moss Beach area of San Mateo County. If approved the Coastal Development Permit is appealable to the California Coastal Commission.
County File Number: PLN 2018-00458 (Jaehning/Li)

Consideration of an appeal of the Planning Commission's decision to deny a Coastal Development Permit, Design Review Permit, and Variance, for the construction of a single-family residence with an internal second unit located on a 5,000 sq. ft. legal parcel:

A) Open public hearing

B) Close public hearing

C) Uphold the appeal and approve the proposed Coastal Development Permit, Design Review Permit, and Variance, applications contained in County File No. PLN 2018-00458, and adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration included as Attachment I, based on the findings and conditions of approval contained in Attachment A.

At its March 25, 2020 public hearing, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to deny the application to construct a new three story 1,460 sq. ft. single-family residence with a first floor 730 sq. ft. accessory dwelling unit (ADU) on a conforming 5,000 sq. ft. legal parcel. Due to site constraints that limit the developable area of the parcel in the form of a creek along the northern property line and riparian corridor along the eastern property line that requires 30...

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