Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: 4/5ths
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael P. Callagy, County Manager
Subject: Countywide FY 2019-20 Year-End Appropriation Transfer Requests (ATRs) in the aggregate amount of $8,139,723 from various budget units
Approve Appropriation Transfer Requests transferring $8,139,732 from various budget units: Revenues - $4,256,372; Fund Balance - $2,037,411; and Contingencies and Reserves - $1,845,949 to the following: Services and Supplies - $775,702; Other Charges - $6,877,360; and Fixed Assets - $486,670.
To close the County's financial records at the end of each fiscal year, various countywide ATRs are submitted to ensure that expenditures are covered by sufficient appropriations and that expenditures are represented correctly in each of the County's funds. The aggregate amount of the ATRs is $8,139,732 and includes adjustments totaling $2,037,411 that were made for accounting purposes only.
All other adjustments, totaling $6,102,321, are funded from savings, reserves, or unanticipated revenues generated by the various budget units with no increase in Net County Cost.
The year-end ATRs do the following:
1. Parks Coyote Point Marina (3980B) - Transfers $313,703 in Fund Balance from Coyote Point Marina Operating Fund to Coyote Point Marina for FY 2019-20 depreciation expense. The recording of depreciation is for accounting purposes only and is a non-cash transaction. (ATR 20-70A)
2. County Support of the Courts (2700B) --Transfers $1,839,949 from Non-Departmental Services Reserves due to the under-remitting state court revenues to the State Treasurer. (ATR 20-70B)
3. Non-Departmental (8000B) - Transfers $625,000 of Measure K funds for the final payment to subsidize youth, elderly and disabled ride program for San Mateo County residents. (ATR 20-70C)
4. Non-Departmental (8000B)- Transfers $500 of Measure K reven...
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