Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: President David J. Canepa, District 5
Subject: Appointment and Reappointment to the Housing and Community Development Committee
Confirm the following two (2) representatives to the Housing and Community Development Committee:
A) Appointment of Rachel Horst, representing City of San Mateo in the County HOME Consortium, for an initial partial term ending December 31, 2027; and
B) Reappointment of Nell Selander, representing City of South San Francisco in the County HOME Consortium, for a third full 4-year term effective January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2028.
The Housing and Community Development Committee (HCDC) makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors related to the expenditure of all housing and community development funds. The HCDC also reviews and provides a forum for public comment on affordable housing and community development needs and priorities related to the development of the Consolidated Plan and related Annual Action Plans.
One member appointed by each entitlement city in the County HOME Consortium (currently Cities of San Mateo and South San Francisco), is confirmed by the Board of Supervisors by board action, upon approval of this memorandum.
The City of San Mateo has nominated Rachel Horst to serve as their County HOME Consortium representative, a seat carrying an existing term ending December 31, 2027, vacated mid-term by Eloiza Murillo-Garcia.
On February 12, 2025, the City Council of South San Francisco approved by their Resolution Enactment Number RES 19-2025 for Nell Selander to serve a third full term on the HCDC as its County HOME Consortium representative, upon confirmation of this reappointment by the Board of Supervisors. Nell has served on the HCDC since 2016.
Rachel Horst is the City of San Mateo's Housing and Neighborhood Services Manager. ...
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