Public Hearing for consideration of Local Coastal Program (LCP) amendments and other actions to facilitate future construction of a replacement fire station (County Fire Station Number 59) and extension of CSA-11 boundaries to serve the fire station and Pescadero Middle/High School:
A) Open Public hearing
B) Close Public hearing
C) Certify the project's Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration; and
D) Adopt a resolution directing staff to submit the Proposed Local Coastal Program (LCP) Land Use Map Amendments for California Coastal Commission review and certification; and
E) Adopt a resolution directing staff to submit the Proposed Local Coastal Program (LCP) Land Use Plan Amendments for California Coastal Commission review and certification; and
F) Adopt a resolution to approve an application to the Local Area Formation Commission (LAFCo) for a Sphere of Influence (SOI) Amendment and Annexation for CSA-11 pursuant to the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Local Government Reorganization...