Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Carolyn Bloede, Director, Office of Sustainability
Subject: Amendment and Adoption of County Ordinance Code to Comply with Senate Bill 1383
Recommendation to:
A) Introduce an ordinance adding Chapter 4.106, Establishing an Edible Food Recovery Program to the San Mateo County Ordinance Code to implement an edible food recovery program pursuant to Senate Bill 1383 ("SB 1383"), and waive reading of the ordinance in its entirety; and
B) Introduce an ordinance amending Chapter 4.04, Solid Waste Collection, Transport, Storage and Disposal of the San Mateo County Ordinance Code to meet the requirements of SB 1383 for the unincorporated areas of the county, and waive reading of the ordinance in its entirety; and
C) Adopt a resolution authorizing the County Manager to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the South Bayside Waste Management Authority for SB 1383 programs in County Service Areas No. 8 (North Fair Oaks) and County Franchised Area.
In September 2016, California Senate Bill 1383 (Lara, Chapter 395, Statutes of 2016), also known as SB 1383, established statewide emissions reduction targets for short-lived climate pollutants such as methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, which results from the landfilling of organic waste. The reduction target for methane is 40% below 2013 levels by 2030. SB 1383 also requires the State to reduce the amount of organic waste disposed of in landfills by 75 percent from 2014 levels by 2025. Given that SB 1383 includes statewide targets, the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, known as CalRecycle, proposed regulations that require a more prescriptive approach for local jurisdictions to achieve specific requirements for reducing the amount of organic waste, such as food waste, that goes to landfill.
The SB 1383 regulations were approved on ...
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