Special Notice / Hearing: None
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Michael P. Callagy, County Executive
Connie Juarez-Diroll, Chief Legislative Officer
Subject: 2023 Legislative Session Program
Adopt a resolution approving the San Mateo County 2023 Legislative Session Program.
The 2023 Legislative Session Program for San Mateo County details state and federal legislative priorities for the County in the new legislative sessions. In combination with standing positions and policies taken by your Board, these priorities guide the County's legislative advocacy efforts. The County Executive's Office develops the County's Legislative Session Program with direction from your Board and in collaboration with County departments, the County Executive, the County's state associations, our state and federal legislative advocates, and community partners.
The County's Legislative Coordination and Advocacy Policy, approved by the Board on June 4, 2019, sets out the County's processes for conveying official Board positions and coordination of actions between the Board of Supervisors, County Executive's Office, County departments/agencies and the County's legislative advocates in Sacramento and Washington, D.C.
In 2023, the County's state advocacy will be focused on: 1) actively seeking state support for ongoing services to be provided at the new Navigation Center and supporting proposals that advance its efforts to combat homelessness, including additional funding for homeless prevention services and funding specifically dedicated to permanent housing and supportive/wrap-around services to help the unhoused achieve more permanent housing solutions; 2) advocating for laws, policies, and funding to help persons with serious mental illness and addictions receive voluntary and involuntary treatment, supportive services, and housing; 3) engaging in stakeholder discussio...
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