Special Notice / Hearing: None__
Vote Required: Majority
To: Honorable Board of Supervisors
From: Mark Church, Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder & Chief Elections Officer
Subject: Moving Election of East Palo Alto Sanitary District's Board of Directors to Coincide with the Statewide General Election
Adopt a resolution approving the East Palo Alto Sanitary District's request to move the election of its Board of Directors to coincide with the Statewide general election (November of even-numbered years).
Historically, the election of the East Palo Alto Sanitary District ("District") Board of Directors was held in November of odd-numbered years. On May 3, 2018, pursuant to Elections Code Section 10404 and Senate Bill 415, the District adopted a resolution seeking to move the election of its Board of Directors to June of even-numbered years in order to coincide with the Statewide Direct Primary.
Under Section 10404(b)(2), the resolution must be submitted to the Board of Supervisors no later than 240 days prior to the date of the District's next-scheduled election. After receiving the resolution, the Board of Supervisors must "notify all [special] districts located in the [C]ounty of the receipt of the resolution to consolidate and shall request input from each district on the effect of consolidation." (Elec. Code, ? 10404(c).) In addition, the County's Elections Division must prepare for the Board of Supervisors "an impact analysis of the proposed consolidation." (Elec. Code, ? 10404(d).) Then, within 60 days from the date of submission, the Board of Supervisors shall approve the resolution "unless it finds that the ballot style, voting equipment, or computer capacity is such that additional elections or materials cannot be handled."
On June 6, 2018, the Board of Supervisors approved the District's request to move the election of its Board of Directors to June of even-numbered years to coincide...
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